首页> 外文期刊>Research in Science Education >Teacher Quality Indicators as Predictors of Instructional Assessment Practices in Science Classrooms in Secondary Schools in Barbados

Teacher Quality Indicators as Predictors of Instructional Assessment Practices in Science Classrooms in Secondary Schools in Barbados


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This study investigated the self-reported instructional assessment practices of a selected sample of secondary school science teachers in Barbados. The study sought to determine if there were statistically significant differences in the instructional assessment practices of teachers based on their sex and teacher quality (teaching experience, professional qualification and teacher academic qualification). It also sought to determine the extent to which each of these four selected variables individually and jointly affected the teachers’ report of their instructional assessment practices. A sample of 55 science teachers from nine secondary schools in Barbados was randomly selected to participate in this study. Data was collected by means of a survey and was analyzed using the means and standard deviations of the instructional assessment practices scores and linear, multiple and binary logistic regression. The results of the study were such that the majority of the sample reported good overall instructional assessment practices while only a few participants reported moderate assessment practices. The instructional assessment practices in the area of student knowledge were mostly moderate as indicated by the sample. There were no statistically significant differences between or among the mean scores of the teachers’ reported instructional assessment practices based on sex ( t = 0.10; df = 53; p = 0.992), teaching experience ( F[4,50] = 1.766; p = 0.150), the level of professional qualification (F[3,45] = 0.2117; p = 0.111) or the level of academic qualification (F[2,52] = 0.504; p = 0.607). The independent variables (teacher sex, teaching experience, teacher professional qualification or teacher academic qualification) were not significant predictors of the instructional assessment practices scores. However, teacher sex was a significant predictor of the teachers’ report of good instructional assessment practices. The study also found that the joint effect of the variables teacher sex, teaching experience, teacher professional qualification and teacher academic qualification was not significant in predicting the instructional assessment practices scores of the science teachers. However, the joint effect of these variables was statistically significant (X 2 = 18.482; df = 10; p = 0.047) in predicting the teachers’ reported use of good instructional assessment practices. The best predictor of teachers’ report of good instructional assessment practices, though not statistically significant, was the diploma in education professional qualification.
机译:这项研究调查了巴巴多斯中学科学教师的一些样本的自我报告的教学评估做法。该研究试图根据教师的性别和教师素质(教学经验,专业资格和教师学历)来确定教师的教学评估实践中是否存在统计学上的显着差异。它还试图确定这四个选定变量中的每个变量在多大程度上分别并共同影响教师的教学评估实践报告。来自巴巴多斯9所中学的55名科学老师的样本被随机选择参加这项研究。通过调查收集数据,并使用教学评估实践分数的均值和标准差以及线性,多元和二元逻辑回归分析该数据。研究结果表明,大部分样本报告了良好的总体教学评估实践,而只有少数参与者报告了中等评估实践。如样本所示,学生知识领域的教学评估实践大多是中等的。教师报告的基于性别的教学评估实践的平均得分之间或之间没有统计学显着差异(t = 0.10; df = 53; p = 0.992),教学经验(F [4,50] = 1.766; p = 0.150),专业资格等级(F [3,45] = 0.2117; p = 0.111)或学术资格等级(F [2,52] = 0.504; p = 0.607)。独立变量(教师性别,教学经验,教师专业资格或教师学历)不是教学评估实践得分的重要预测因子。但是,教师性别是教师良好教学评估做法报告的重要预测因素。研究还发现,教师性别,教学经验,教师专业资格和教师学历等变量的共同影响在预测科学教师的教学评估实践得分方面并不显着。然而,这些变量的联合作用在预测教师报告的良好教学评估做法的使用方面具有统计学显着性(X 2 = 18.482; df = 10; p = 0.047)。教师的良好教学评估实践报告的最佳预测指标,尽管在统计上并不显着,但却是教育专业资格证书。



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