首页> 外文期刊>Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance >'Politics begins as ethics': Levinasian ethics and Australian performance concerning refugees

'Politics begins as ethics': Levinasian ethics and Australian performance concerning refugees


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This essay begins by outlining Emmanuel Levinas's radical conception of ethics. Levinas invokes/declares an absolute and primary obligation of responsibility to the human Other, whom he figures hyperbolically as invoked by the epiphany of the encounter with 'the face of the Other'. This encounter with alterity founds not only ethics, but subjectivity itself, in Levinas' conception. I apply Levinas's concept to the refusal of responsibility, of unqualified hospitality and asylum, exercised by the Australian Government under John Howard. The essay argues that the rich and varied response of Australian theatre and performance to this refusal was, however, broadly ethical. Its form of politics was to produce affective rather than ideological transformations in the audience. I examine a selection of performance and theatre work that uses different performance strategies to explore how this was achieved. The essay also outlines Levinas's objection to art conceived as representation of the face of the Other, and his delineation of the ethical mode of embodied discourse he calls 'the saying', which can be seen in moments of performance as an embodied, affective and interactive mode.
机译:本文首先概述了伊曼纽尔·列维纳斯(Emmanuel Levinas)的激进伦理概念。列维纳斯援引/宣告对他人的他人负有绝对的主要责任,他通过与“他人的面孔”相遇的顿悟来夸大地表示对他人的责任。在列维纳斯的观念中,这种与变化的相遇不仅建立了伦理,而且建立了主体性。我将列维纳斯的概念适用于澳大利亚政府在约翰·霍华德(John Howard)的领导下拒绝承担责任,拒绝给予无用的款待和庇护。这篇文章认为,澳大利亚剧院对这种拒绝的反应和表演的丰富多样,这在很大程度上是道德的。它的政治形式是在观众中产生情感而非意识形态的转变。我研究了一些表演和戏剧作品,它们使用不同的表演策略来探索如何实现这一目标。文章还概述了列维纳斯对被认为代表他人面孔的艺术的异议,以及他对体现性话语的道德模式的描述,他称之为“话语”,这在表演的时刻可以看作是一种体现,情感和互动的表现。模式。



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