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CCS technology development in China: Status, problems and countermeasures-Based on SWOT analysis


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Currently, the energy structure with coal is given priority to in China. This situation would not change in a short time which results in massive CO_2 emissions and increased pressure to natural environment. Carbon capture and storage technology (known as CCS) is a carbon abatement technology that separates CO_2 from industrial production or energy conversion, transports to the storage site after compression, and injects to the deep underground to make long-term isolation from the atmosphere. This technology achieves zero emission during fossil energy extraction and conversion, so the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) regarded it as one of the effective methods reducing greenhouse gas emissions in 2005. First, based on the development status of CCS in China, in terms of policies, technology research and CCS projects are described. SWOT is an analysis method that analyses objects all-around from four main aspects of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. By SWOT, this paper focuses on analyzing the development environment currently in order to find the main stimulatives and obstacles and confirm the feasibility of CCS development in China. Finally, recommendations are proposed addressing the problems and obstacles. The results show that CCS is an effective way to reduce future emissions in China, as with the huge market, and the general support by Chinese government and green groups. However, relevant departments should strengthen economic and policy support at the same time.
机译:当前,中国的能源结构以煤炭为优先。这种情况不会在短时间内改变,这会导致大量的CO_2排放并增加对自然环境的压力。碳捕集与封存技术(称为CCS)是一种碳减排技术,可将CO_2与工业生产或能源转换分开,压缩后输送到存储地点,再注入深层地下与大气长期隔离。该技术在化石能源的提取和转换过程中实现了零排放,因此政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)将其视为2005年减少温室气体排放的有效方法之一。首先,根据中国CCS的发展状况,描述了政策,技术研究和CCS项目的条款。 SWOT是一种分析方法,可以从优势,劣势,机会和威胁的四个主要方面全面分析对象。通过SWOT,本文着重分析当前的发展环境,以找到主要的刺激因素和障碍,并确认CCS在中国发展的可行性。最后,提出了解决问题和障碍的建议。结果表明,与巨大的市场以及中国政府和绿色团体的普遍支持一样,CCS是减少中国未来排放的有效方法。但是,有关部门应同时加强经济和政策支持。


  • 来源
    《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》 |2014年第11期|604-616|共13页
  • 作者单位

    School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;

    School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;

    School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;

    School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;

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  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词

    CCS technology; Carbon capture; Carbon storage; SWOT; China;



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