首页> 外文期刊>Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews >Emergence of floating offshore wind energy: Technology and industry

Emergence of floating offshore wind energy: Technology and industry


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The paper investigates the construction of strategies aiming to up-scale low-carbon innovations from pilot to full commercial scale. This requires a systemic understanding of the evolution of the technology along with the organizations and infrastructures supporting its development. Technological innovation systems concepts operationalize system building processes, including the establishment of constituent elements and the performance of key innovation activities. The study surveys the national roadmaps published between 2009 and 2014 for offshore wind energy in deepwaters (more than 50 m deep) which inform on how actors expect the system to grow, including the innovation activities crucial to achieve it. The roadmaps point to the role of guidance and legitimacy as triggers of changes in other innovation processes (knowledge creation, experimentation and so on) needed for take-off. The analysis reveals that the growth plans conveyed in the roadmaps are overly optimistic when compared with the time taken to develop offshore wind energy in fixed structures for shallow waters. Several countries have adopted supporting policies following the publication of the roadmaps, but weaknesses in crucial innovation processes (e.g. specialized skills) and external factors (e.g. crisis, regulatory approval) resulted in a delay of the first large investments. Policy should be based on realistic expectations and adequate to the phase of innovation, such as the promotion of technology-specific institutions (standards, codes, regulations and so on) in technology up-scaling. New directions for research are also provided.
机译:本文研究了旨在将低碳创新从试点规模扩展到完整商业规模的战略的构建。这需要对技术的发展以及支持其发展的组织和基础设施有系统的了解。技术创新系统概念使系统构建过程可操作,包括建立组成部分和关键创新活动的执行。这项研究调查了2009年至2014年发布的深海(超过50 m深)海上风能的国家路线图,该路线图说明了参与者如何期望该系统的发展,包括实现该系统至关重要的创新活动。路线图指出,指导和合法性是起飞所需的其他创新过程(知识创造,实验等)变化的触发因素。分析表明,与在浅水固定结构中开发海上风能所花费的时间相比,路线图中传达的增长计划过于乐观。路线图发布后,一些国家已采取了扶持政策,但是关键创新过程(例如专业技能)和外部因素(例如危机,监管批准)的弱点导致了第一笔大笔投资的延迟。政策应基于切合实际的期望,并适合于创新阶段,例如在技术升级中促进特定于技术的机构(标准,法规,法规等)。还提供了新的研究方向。



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