Abst'/> Wavelet transforms and pattern recognition on ultrasonic guides waves for frozen surface state diagnosis
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Wavelet transforms and pattern recognition on ultrasonic guides waves for frozen surface state diagnosis


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AbstractIcing blades require of advanced condition monitoring systems to reduce the failures and downtimes in Wind Turbine Blades (WTB). This paper presents a novel fault detection and diagnosis system that combines ultrasonic techniques with Wavelet transforms for detecting ice on the blades. Lamb waves were generated with Macro Fibre Composites (MFC) and collected with MFC. Ice affects to the normal propagation of the wave through the material of the blade. The changes in the signal are due to the forces that ice exercise on the surface. Three different scenarios were considered according to ISO 12494, 2001 (Atmospheric icing of structures): at room temperature; the frozen blade without accumulation of ice, and; the frozen blade with accumulation of ice on its surface. In order to validate the approach, Morlet wavelet transformation has been used for filtering the signal. The time-frequency analysis has been done by Wigner-Ville distribution. On the other hand, the envelope of the filtered signal by wavelet transforms is done by Hilbert Transform, and the pattern recognition is done by autocorrelations of the Hibert transforms. The approach detects the cases considered in ISO 12494 of unfrozen, frozen without ice, and frozen with ice in the WTB. New scenarios, considering mud, have been considered to test the approach.HighlightsA new method for ice detection employing guided waves and Wavelet transform based on the energy decomposition of the signals.The low computational cost would facilitate its implementation in Condition Monitoring systems and the online analisys.A real case study shows that it is possible to determine if the blade is unfrozen, frozen without ice and frozen with ice.
机译: 摘要 除冰叶片需要先进的状态监测系统,以减少风力涡轮机叶片(WTB)的故障和停机时间。本文提出了一种新颖的故障检测和诊断系统,该系统将超声技术与小波变换相结合,用于检测叶片上的冰。用宏纤维复合材料(MFC)产生兰姆波,并用MFC收集。冰会影响波在叶片材料中的正常传播。信号的变化归因于冰在表面上运动的力。根据ISO 12494,2001(结构的大气结冰),考虑了三种不同的情况:室温;没有冰积聚的冷冻刀片;以及结冰的刀片表面结冰。为了验证该方法,已使用Morlet小波变换对信号进行滤波。时频分析已通过Wigner-Ville分布进行。另一方面,通过小波变换的滤波信号的包络是由希尔伯特变换完成的,模式识别是由希尔伯特变换的自相关完成的。该方法检测在ISO 12494中考虑的未冻结,无冰冻结和WTB中冰冻结的情况。考虑到泥泞的新场景,已经考虑过测试这种方法。 突出显示 一种基于信号能量分解的导波和小波变换的冰检测新方法。 计算成本低,将有助于其在状态监测系统和在线analisys中的实施。 A实际案例研究表明,可以确定刀片是否未冻结,没有冰冻和有冰冻。



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