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Node-pair reliability of network systems with small distances between adjacent nodes


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A new method for computing the node-pair reliability of network systems modeled by random graphs with nodes arranged in sequence is presented. It is based on a recursive algorithm using the "sliding window" technique, the window being composed of several consecutive nodes. In a single step, the connectivity probabilities for all nodes included in the window are found. Subsequently, the window is moved one node forward. This process is repeated until, in the last step, the window reaches the terminal node. The connectivity probabilities found at that point are used to compute the node-pair reliability of the network system considered. The algorithm is designed especially for graphs with small distances between adjacent nodes, where the distance between two nodes is defined as the absolute value of the difference between the nodes' numbers. The maximal distance between any two adjacent nodes is denoted by Γ(G), where G symbolizes a random graph. If Γ(G) = 2 then the method can be applied for directed as well as undirected graphs whose nodes and edges are subject to failure. This is important in view of the fact that many algorithms computing network reliability are designed for graphs with failure-prone edges and reliable nodes. If Γ(G) = 3 then the method's applicability is limited to undirected graphs with reliable nodes. The main asset of the presented algorithms is their low numerical complexity—O(n), where n denotes the number of nodes.
机译:提出了一种计算节点按顺序排列的随机图建模网络系统节点对可靠性的新方法。它基于使用“滑动窗口”技术的递归算法,该窗口由多个连续节点组成。只需一步,即可找到窗口中包含的所有节点的连接概率。随后,窗口向前移动一个节点。重复此过程,直到最后一步,窗口到达终端节点。此时发现的连接概率用于计算所考虑的网络系统的节点对可靠性。该算法是专为相邻节点之间的距离较小的图而设计的,其中两个节点之间的距离定义为节点编号之间的差的绝对值。任何两个相邻节点之间的最大距离用Γ(G)表示,其中G表示随机图。如果Γ(G)= 2,则该方法可以应用于有向图和无向图,其节点和边均会发生故障。鉴于许多计算网络可靠性的算法都是为具有易故障边缘和可靠节点的图形设计的,这一点很重要。如果Γ(G)= 3,则该方法的适用性限于具有可靠节点的无向​​图。所提出算法的主要优点是其数值复杂度低-O(n),其中n表示节点数。



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