首页> 外文期刊>Reliability Engineering & System Safety >A system view of the No Fault Found (NFF) phenomenon

A system view of the No Fault Found (NFF) phenomenon


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When a unit is tested outside a technical system, it has normally been removed due to a fault. However, in some cases the external test may not discover any fault and a No Fault Found (NFF) event may occur. The NFF phenomenon is a major problem when dealing with complex technical systems, and its consequences may be manifested in decreased safety and dependability and increased life cycle costs. There are multiple interacting causes of NFF, demanding tough requirements for successful solutions. The purpose of this paper is to describe the phenomenon of NFF and to highlight possible improvements for the prevention of causes of NFF and the reduction of its consequences. The study was performed as an explorative literature study, and the analysis was based on a holistic system view. The identified causes and solutions are related to life cycle stages, availability performance factors, and system stakeholders.
机译:在技​​术系统之外测试设备时,通常会由于故障而将其卸下。但是,在某些情况下,外部测试可能不会发现任何故障,并且可能会发生未发现故障(NFF)事件。 NFF现象是处理复杂技术系统时的主要问题,其后果可能表现为安全性和可靠性下降以及生命周期成本增加。 NFF有多种相互作用的原因,因此对成功解决方案提出了苛刻的要求。本文的目的是描述NFF现象,并着重指出为预防NFF原因和减少其后果而可能采取的改进措施。该研究以探索性文献研究的形式进行,分析基于整体系统观点。确定的原因和解决方案与生命周期阶段,可用性性能因素和系统涉众有关。



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