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Spurious activation of safety instrumented systems in the oil and gas industry: Basic concepts and formulas


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Spurious activation of safety instrumented systems in the oil and gas industry may lead to production loss, stress on affected components and systems, and hazards during system restoration. This article defines and clarifies concepts related to spurious activation. A clear distinction is made between spurious operation, spurious trip, and spurious shutdown. The causes and effects of spurious activation are discussed and related to the concepts used in IEC 61508, IEC 61511, and OREDA. A new set of formulas for calculating the spurious activation rate is presented, and compared with formulas that are frequently used in the oil and gas industry. The new approach is illustrated in a simple case study.
机译:石油和天然气行业中安全仪表系统的误激活可能会导致生产损失,对受影响的组件和系统施加压力以及在系统恢复期间造成危害。本文定义并阐明了与虚假激活相关的概念。伪操作,伪跳闸和伪停机之间有明显的区别。讨论了误激活的原因和影响,并涉及了IEC 61508,IEC 61511和OREDA中使用的概念。提出了一组用于计算寄生激活率的新公式,并将其与石油和天然气行业中常用的公式进行比较。在一个简单的案例研究中说明了这种新方法。



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