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RR 2008/318 The Cambridge Companion to Ballet

机译:RR 2008/318剑桥芭蕾舞剧同伴

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There are many ballet books on the market, all the way from Angelina Ballerina to information on technique, nutrition, the structure of a class, and coffee table books of photographs from ballet companies. The Cambridge Companion to Ballet offers something different in that it deals less with the minutiae of ballet and is more of a historical treatment of the development of ballet through the centuries to what it is today. Through a collection of chronological essays one can trace the evolution of ballet as a discipline and as a spectacle from the court dances in renaissance Italy and pre-revolutionary France all the way through to modern dance in the twentieth century which sought to break free from some of the conventions of classical dance. The Companion is divided into four sections: From the Renaissance to the Baroque: royal power and worldly display; The 18th Century: revolutions in technique and spirit; Romantic Ballet: ballet is a woman; and the Twentieth Century: tradition becomes modern. There are between four and seven articles per section from an international group of contributors, mostly from Europe, but also from the United States, Cuba and Singapore. There is a detailed timeline at the beginning of the book which begins with the Mongols conquering China in 1279 and ends with Ghengis Khan being declared Chinese in 2006. In between, historical, balletic and literary events are listed which give context to the development of ballet through the centuries.
机译:市场上有很多芭蕾舞书,从安吉丽娜·芭蕾舞女演员到技术,营养,班级结构以及芭蕾舞公司的咖啡桌照片等信息一路走来。 《剑桥芭蕾舞同伴》提供了一些不同之处,因为它较少涉及芭蕾舞的细节,而更多地是对数百年来直至今天的芭蕾舞发展的历史性对待。通过一系列按时间顺序排列的论文,可以追溯芭蕾舞作为一门学科的发展和从文艺复兴时期意大利和革命前的法国的宫廷舞一直到二十世纪的现代舞的发展过程的过程。古典舞蹈的惯例。伴侣分为四个部分:从文艺复兴时期到巴洛克风格:王权和世俗的展示; 18世纪:技术和精神革命;浪漫芭蕾舞:芭蕾舞是女人;和20世纪:传统成为现代。国际贡献者小组每节有四到七篇文章,主要来自欧洲,但也来自美国,古巴和新加坡。这本书的开头有一个详细的时间表,始于蒙古人于1279年征服中国,结束于2006年将Ghengis Khan宣布为中国人。在此之间,列出了历史,戏剧和文学事件,为芭蕾舞的发展提供了背景几个世纪以来。



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