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Flinders Link opens at last


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Without any fuss or ceremony, Adelaides newest railway line went into commercial operation on December 29 2020, along with two new stations. The long-awaited and much-promised 650 m extension of the Tonsley Line to Flinders University and the Flinders Medical Centre has finally been delivered, linking these busy health, innovation and education precincts to the city's suburban rail network after more than 50 years. The A$141m Flinders Link Project has been delivered as part of the much larger A$754.5m Darlington Upgrade Project, for which the federal government is contributing A$603.6m and South Australia the rest. As part of a new north-south motorway corridor, Laing O'Rourke is rebuilding 3.3 km of the Main South Road, which separates the Flinders campus from the Tonsley area, in order to grade-separate through traffic from the local roads; this work was due to be completed by mid-2020. The railway extension required the construction of 440 m of elevated viaduct to carry the single track over Sturt Road, the Laffers Triangle and Main South Road, as well as the new M2 South Expressway. The 10-span steel and concrete viaduct has individual spans ranging from 30 m to 50 m. A shared pedestrian and cycle path runs adjacent to the line, encouraging more active travel.
机译:如果没有任何大惊小怪或仪式,阿德列德斯最新的铁路线于2020年12月29日进入商业运营,以及两个新站。已久和最答应的650米650米延长Tonsley Line延伸到Flinders大学,弗林德斯医疗中心终于交付,将这些繁忙的健康,创新和教育区与城市的郊区铁路网络交付到50多年以上。 141万美元的Flinders Link项目已作为较大的754.5M达林顿升级项目提供的一部分,联邦政府正在为其贡献为603.6亿美元,南澳大利亚的休息时间。作为新的南北高速公路走廊的一部分,Laing O'Rourke重建了3.3公里的主要南路,将弗林德斯校区从Tonsley地区分开,以便从当地道路上分开交通;这项工作是由于2020年中期完成。铁路延伸需要建造440米的高架桥,以携带储阿欠路,洛杉矶三角和主南路的单轨,以及新的M2南高速公路。 10跨度钢和混凝土高架桥的单独跨度范围为30米至50米。共享的行人和循环路径与线相邻,鼓励更多的活动旅行。


  • 来源
    《Railway Gazette International》 |2021年第3期|48-49|共2页
  • 作者

    John Kirk;

  • 作者单位
  • 收录信息 美国《工程索引》(EI);
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
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