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Geoarchaeology and taphonomy: Deciphering site formation processes for late Holocene archaeological settings in the eastern Pampa-Patagonian transition, Argentina


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Assessing the integrity and resolution of archaeological sites in sandy environments is a key issue for understanding site formation processes in hunter-gatherer's contexts. A case study from the lower course of the Colorado River, at the eastern Pampa-Patagonian transition (Argentina) is presented here. The studied area is characterized by a sand dune relief that is superimposed upon ancient fluvial and marine environments. The sites date to between c. 2000 and 250 C-14 yr BP (late Holocene) and they are mostly located in eolian contexts. The objective of this paper is to understand environmental dynamics and the site formation processes that operated in archaeological sites of the late Holocene through the integration of geoarchaeological and taphonomic information. The obtained results allowed the identification of site formation processes related to the different environmental settings (coast, ancient delta and inland). However, general patterns that relate some taphonomic effects as root action and weathering with landscape processes such as pedogenesis at an areal scale were also recognized. Despite the varied and highly dynamic environmental conditions of this arid-semiarid area, archaeological contexts with good degrees of resolution and integrity were recognized.
机译:评估沙质环境中考古遗址的完整性和分辨率是了解猎人-采集者背景下遗址形成过程的关键问题。本文介绍了一个来自科罗拉多河下游,东部潘帕-巴塔哥尼亚过渡带(阿根廷)的案例研究。研究区域的特征是沙丘浮雕,叠加在古代河流和海洋环境上。这些站点的日期在c之间。 2000和250 C-14 yr BP(晚全新世),它们大多位于风成语环境中。本文的目的是通过整合地质考古学和Thophonomic信息,了解在全新世晚期考古遗址中发生的环境动态和遗址形成过程。获得的结果可以确定与不同环境设置(海岸,古代三角洲和内陆)有关的站点形成过程。但是,也认识到了一些与根系作用和风化作用有关的一般模式,如景观活动,如成土作用等风化作用。尽管该干旱-半干旱地区的环境条件千差万别,但仍具有较高的分辨率和完整性的考古环境得到认可。



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