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About specifics of rock art of Gobustan and some innovative approaches to its interpretation ('Firuz 2' shelter)

机译:关于Gobustan摇滚艺术的特点及其解释的一些创新方法(“ Firuz 2”庇护所)

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The petroglyphs of Gobustan are an important historical source that allows us to get an idea about the material and spiritual culture of the population inhabiting the region in various historical periods. The analysis of the specific features of the creative process let us imagine how the ancient artists of Gobustan conveyed some aspects of their creative perception and specifics of their world view.In this respect, the “Firuz 2” shelter on Kichikdash Mountain in Gobustan is of special interest. “Firuz 2” lies at the foot of a vertically standing boulder oriented N-S. (stone №19). The archaeological site is located at the western side of this stone covered with petroglyphs. On this surface numerous female figures, images of hunters, animals and boats are fixed. Visual domination of images of female figures and boats make a uniform semantic plot. It should be noted that from Mesolithic and Neolithic occupation layers of Gobustan separate stones on which female figures near boats are also represented are found. It is quite possible that this composition is characteristic to this period.Images of female figures on stone №19 stylistically differ from each other and some of them are executed in profile with prominent bellies. Besides these, images of animals (aurochs, wild boars, onagers, gazelles, bezoar goats) were depicted on stone №19.Under the stone and on the north side, there is a strip of rocky blocks lying deep in the soil. On one of these rocks (stone 19-a), split in two parts, images of boats were recorded. The stone was found in the Neolithic layer. Images of boats of this kind are also registered on stone №19. On three of them the symbol of the sun is represented on the bow. In the Caucasian region, images of boats are only met in Gobustan rock art. Considering attentively these images of boats, can be supposed that they belong to the Neolithic period of Gobustan culture and existed throughout millennia.In order to get some chronological control, various methods were combined: analogies with stones found in cultural layers and bearing similar images, study of the stylistic features and the stratigraphic method. AMS dating of the cultural layers of the “Firuz 2” site allowed to understand the variability in the form and meaning of the petroglyphs of various periods. Previously, artifacts from the cultural layer of “Firuz 2” site had been dated to the end of Mesolithic and beginning of Neolithic period. The last AMS dating provided the result: 7850 ± 30 BP, which led to suppose that Gobustan was the earliest center in which navigation emerged in the Caucasian region.
机译:戈布斯坦的岩画是一个重要的历史渊源,使我们能够了解各个历史时期居住在该地区的人口的物质和精神文化。通过分析创作过程的特定特征,我们可以想象到古朴斯坦的古代艺术家是如何传达他们的创作感知和世界观的某些方面的。在这方面,位于古朴斯坦Kichikdash山的“ Firuz 2”庇护所具有特别的兴趣。 “ Firuz 2”位于垂直站立的N-S巨石的脚下。 (第19号石碑)。考古遗址位于这块石头的西侧,上面覆盖有岩画。在这个表面上,固定有许多女性形象,猎人,动物和小船的图像。女性形象和船只图像的视觉控制构成了统一的语义图。应当指出,从哥布斯坦的中石器时代和新石器时代占领层中,可以找到单独的石头,在这些石头上还代表着船附近的女性形象。这种构图很有可能是这一时期的特征。19号石头上的女性形象在造型上彼此不同,其中有些形象轮廓鲜明,腹部突出。除此之外,在第19号石块上还描绘了动物的图像(野牛,野猪,食蛇,瞪羚,牛黄山羊)。在石块下和北侧,土壤深处有一小块岩石块。在分成两部分的其中一块岩石(19-a石头)上,记录了船的图像。在新石器时代发现了这块石头。这种船的图像也记录在石头№19上。在三个蝴蝶结上代表太阳的象征。在高加索地区,只有哥布斯坦的岩画才可以看到船的图像。仔细考虑这些船的图像,可以认为它们属于哥布斯坦文化的新石器时代,并且存在于整个千年中。为了获得按时间顺序的控制,结合了多种方法:与在文化层中发现的石头类似并带有相似的图像,研究文体特征和地层方法。对“ Firuz 2”站点文化层的AMS约会使我们能够了解各个时期的岩画的形式和含义的变化。以前,“ Firuz 2”遗址文化层的文物可追溯到中石器时代末期和新石器时代初。 AMS的最后一次约会提供了结果:7850±30 BP,这导致假定Gobustan是白种人地区最早出现航海的中心。



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