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Paleoecological Record Of Hurricane Disturbance And Forest Regenerationin Nicaragua


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Studying infrequent phenomena (e.g. hurricanes) and slow processes (e.g. forest regeneration) greatly challenges the ecological techniques of real-time studies. By combining the two relatively new approaches of paleotempestology and fine-resolution palynology, this study provides insight into the impacts of hurricanes and the post-hurricane regeneration of forests. I analyzed a 5-m sediment core from a swamp lagoon on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua that covered the entire 8000-yr history of the swamp [Urquhart, G. R., 1997. Disturbance and regeneration of swamp forests in Nicaragua: evidence from Ecology and Paleoecology. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA]. X-rays revealed a sand layer dating to c. 3300 BP of the type deposited by hurricanes. Pollen analyses showed this sand layer was followed by major changes in vegetation and fires. This pattern is identical to the wake of Hurricane Joan, which struck the area in 1988 and left 90,000 hectares of damaged swamp forest that burned shortly after. After the prehistoric hurricane, forest vegetation did not return until 500 yr later, due to repeated burning. This parallel event of the past illustrates a possible course for modern forest regeneration. As a counterpart to direct ecological analysis, fine-resolution paleoecological study can provide great insight for the study of rare events and slow processes.
机译:研究不常见的现象(例如飓风)和缓慢的过程(例如森林更新)极大地挑战了实时研究的生态技术。通过结合两种相对较新的古温度和高分辨率孢粉学方法,本研究为飓风和森林飓风后再生的影响提供了见识。我分析了尼加拉瓜加勒比海岸一个沼泽泻湖的5 m沉积物核心,涵盖了整个8000年的沼泽历史[Urquhart,GR,1997.尼加拉瓜的沼泽森林扰动和再生:来自生态学和古生态学的证据。博士论文,密歇根大学,美国密歇根州安阿伯]。 X射线显示沙层可追溯至c。 3300 BP的飓风沉积类型。花粉分析表明,在此沙层之后,植被和火势发生了重大变化。这种模式与1988年琼恩飓风袭击后的情形相同,后者在1988年袭击了该地区,并留下了90,000公顷受损的沼泽森林,此后不久便被焚毁。史前飓风过后,由于反复燃烧,直到500年后森林植被才恢复。过去的并行事件说明了现代森林更新的可能途径。作为直接生态分析的对口,精细的古生态研究可以为罕见事件和缓慢过程的研究提供重要的见识。



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