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Difference in public oral health at the Spring/Autumn and Warring States periods between the Central Plains and the northern Great Wall region in China


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This paper examines differences in oral health between city dwellers from the Chinese dynasty heartland and agricultural soldiers at the frontier between the dynasty and northern nomads during the Spring/Autumn and Warring States periods. The two skeletal samples used in this study were excavated from the contemporary mortuary sites of Xinghong in the middle of the Henan province and Tuchengzi in the southeastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The presence/absence, type, and degree of six dental health conditions-caries, antemortem tooth loss, periapical abscess, alveolar resorption, calculus, and dental attrition-were investigated. The results of this study show that individuals from the Xinghong assemblage suffered from these oral diseases with much greater frequency than did those from the Tuchengzi assemblage, and with much greater frequency than earlier Neolithic and early dynastic groups from the same region (Henan province). Our results are consistent with two explanations based on previous archaeological and historical studies. Firstly, a dramatic decline in oral health conditions during the transition from the Neolithic Age to the Spring/Autumn and Warring States periods at the Chinese dynasty heartland coincides with the elevated productivity of millet and wheat agriculture promoted by technological innovation. Secondary, a difference in oral health conditions during the Spring/Autumn and Warring States periods between the two contemporaneous sites supports previous archaeological and historical studies indicating that agriculture was more intensive during this time in Henan province compared to southeastern Inner Mongolia. In addition to the group differences, the pattern of the sex differences of dental caries prevalence differed between the two sites. For Tuchengzi, there were much higher frequencies of dental caries for females than males. The degrees of these sex differences seem to be beyond the range of which only biological factors (e.g., those related to female reproductive function) could contribute, so cultural factors derived from the sexual division of labor or differential access to foods likely played a role. Stable isotope analysis using the corresponding human skeletal samples suggests one cultural factor, that of males preferring, or having greater access to, meat products over cereals. For the Xinghong site, unexpectedly, the frequency of dental caries is higher in males than females. Thus, the form of the sexual division of labor or differential access to food items could have differed between the city dwellers of the Xinghong site and the pioneers of the Tuchengzi site because of the urbanization of the former area. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了春秋战国时期中国朝代中心地带的城市居民与朝代之间和北方游牧民族之间的边境地区的农业士兵之间的口腔健康差异。本研究中使用的两个骨骼样本是从河南省中部兴红和内蒙古自治区东南部土城子的当代葬场所发掘出来的。研究了六种牙齿健康状况的存在与否,类型和程度,包括龋齿,前牙缺失,根尖周脓肿,牙槽吸收,牙结石和牙齿磨损。这项研究的结果表明,兴宏族的个体患这些口腔疾病的频率比土城子族的患病频率要高得多,而且比同一地区(河南省)的新石器时代和朝代初期的群体患病的频率也要高得多。我们的结果与基于先前考古和历史研究的两种解释是一致的。首先,从新石器时代到春秋战国时期,中国王朝心脏地带的口腔健康状况急剧下降,这与技术创新促进了小米和小麦农业生产力的提高相吻合。其次,两个同期遗址在春季/秋季和战国时期口腔健康状况的差异支持了以前的考古和历史研究,这些研究表明,与内蒙古东南部地区相比,河南省这段时期的农业集约化程度更高。除了群体差异外,两个地点之间龋齿患病率的性别差异模式也不同。对于土城子来说,女性的龋齿发生率比男性高得多。这些性别差异的程度似乎超出了只能由生物学因素(例如与女性生殖功能有关的因素)起作用的范围,因此源自性别分工或食物获取差异的文化因素可能发挥了作用。使用相应的人体骨骼样本进行的稳定同位素分析表明,一种文化因素是,与谷物相比,男性更喜欢或更容易获得肉类产品的男性。对于兴宏遗址,出乎意料的是,男性龋齿的发生率高于女性。因此,由于原地区的城市化,兴宏厂区的城市居民和土城子厂区的先驱者之间的性别分工形式或获得食物的差异途径可能有所不同。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd和INQUA。版权所有。



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