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Mousterian in Balzi Rossi (Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy): New insights and old collections

机译:Balzi Rossi的Mousterian(意大利利古里亚文蒂米利亚):新见解和旧收藏

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Balzi Rossi (Grimaldi) is a worldwide famous complex of Paleolithic sites located on the Franco-Italian border (Ventimiglia, Liguria). Especially known for its Upper Paleolithic occupations, each site also contained Middle Paleolithic deposits in which Mousterian evidence were early unearthed. The Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco conserves a large part of these collections originated from Villeneuve's excavations at the end of the 19th century. This fieldwork based on forward-looking methods and commissioned by Prince Albert the 1st of Monaco involved several caves (Prince, Cavillon, and Enfants) and one shelter (Lorenzi). The few Barma Grande artefacts included were donated later on. Despite the challenges provided by this kind of assemblages. excavated over a century ago and at most composed of two thousands of pieces, it was very important to conduct an exhaustive study on these underestimated or unpublished Mousterian components. Indeed, different approaches evaluated their reliability and yielded new insights on Mousterian context and behaviors in the Balzi Rossi between MIS 5-3 embedded in new results and programs of researches.
机译:Balzi Rossi(Grimaldi)是世界著名的旧石器时代建筑群,位于佛朗哥-意大利边界(文蒂米利亚,利古里亚)。每个站点都以中古石器时代的沉积而闻名,尤其以其上古石器时代的占领而闻名。摩纳哥的史前人类学博物馆保存了这些藏品中的很大一部分,这些藏品来自19世纪末维伦纽夫的发掘。这项基于前瞻性方法的野外工作由摩纳哥1号阿尔伯特亲王(Prince Albert)委托进行,涉及多个洞穴(Prince,Cavillon和Enfants)和一个避难所(Lorenzi)。后来捐赠了一些巴马格兰德文物。尽管此类组合提供了挑战。挖掘超过一个世纪以前,最多只能由两千个作品组成,对这些被低估或未发表的穆斯特成分进行详尽的研究非常重要。确实,不同的方法评估了它们的可靠性,并在嵌入新结果和研究计划的MIS 5-3之间的Balzi Rossi中对穆特尔语境和行为产生了新的见解。



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