首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary International >Timing and pace of dairying inception and animal husbandry practices across Holocene North Africa

Timing and pace of dairying inception and animal husbandry practices across Holocene North Africa


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The timing and extent of the adoption and exploitation of domesticates and their secondary products, across Holocene North Africa, has long been the subject of debate. The three distinct areas within the region, Mediterranean north Africa, the Nile Valley and the Sahara, each with extremely diverse environments and ecologies, demonstrate differing trajectories to pastoralism. Here, we address this question using a combination of faunal evidence and organic residue analyses of c. 300 archaeological vessels from sites in Algeria, Libya and Sudan. This synthesis of new and published data provides a broad regional and chronological perspective on the scale and intensity of domestic animal exploitation and the inception of dairying practices in Holocene North Africa. Following the introduction of domesticated animals into the region our results confirm a hiatus of around one thousand years before the adoption of a full pastoral economy, which appears first in the Libyan Sahara, at c. 5200 BCE, subsequently appearing at c. 4600 BCE in the Nile Valley and at 4400-3900 BCE in Mediterranean north Africa. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:在整个全新世北非,采用和剥夺驯养品及其辅助产品的时间和程度一直是争论的主题。该区域内的三个不同区域,即北非地中海,尼罗河谷和撒哈拉沙漠,分别具有极为不同的环境和生态,展现出不同的牧民轨迹。在这里,我们结合动物证据和c的有机残留分析来解决这个问题。来自阿尔及利亚,利比亚和苏丹境内的300具考古船只。这种新的和已发布数据的综合提供了关于家畜开发的规模和强度以及全新世北非开始实行奶业的广泛区域和时间顺序的观点。在将驯养的动物引入该地区之后,我们的研究结果证实,在采用全面的牧草经济之前,这一现象已经中断了大约一千年。公元前5200年,随后出现在c。尼罗河谷的公元前4600年,地中海北非的公元前4400-3900年。 (C)2017作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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