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Beeturia and colonic oxalic acid


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Beeturia is the excretion of red beetroot pigment (betalaine) in urine and faeces. It occurs in about 14% of humans. Betalaine is a redox indicator whose colour is protected by reducing agents. We investigated pigment-decolourizing systems in the intestinal tracts of beeturic and non-beeturic subjects. Betalaine was decolourized by hydrochloric acid, ferric ions and colonic bacteria preparations, but not by pancreatic or mucosal enzymes. In animals, oral betalaine did not produce beeturia, but injection of betalaine into the peritoneum did. Oral betalaine and 1 g oxalic acid produced beeturia in non-beeturic normal humans, but passed into ileostomies without beeturia. Thus, beeturia results from colonic absorption of betalaine. Oxalic acid preserves the red colour to the colon, otherwise it is decolourized in non-beeturic individuals by non-enzymic processes in the stomach and colon.
机译:Beeturia是尿液和粪便中红色甜菜根色素(甜菜碱)的排泄物。它发生在约14%的人类中。 Betalaine是一种氧化还原指示剂,其颜色受还原剂保护。我们研究了有色和无色受试者肠道中的色素脱色系统。 Betalaine通过盐酸,铁离子和结肠细菌制剂脱色,但未通过胰腺或粘膜酶脱色。在动物中,口服甜菜碱不会产生细菌性尿,但将甜菜碱注射入腹膜会产生。口服甜菜碱和1克草酸可在非比丘蒂正常的人体内产生甲亢,但没有回肠就可以进行回肠切开术。因此,甜菜碱是由于甜菜碱的结肠吸收所致。草酸将结肠保留为红色,否则在非比奇个体中,草酸会通过胃和结肠中的非酶过程而脱色。



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