首页> 外文期刊>Quarterly Journal of Medicine >Fever as the presenting complaint of travellers returning from the tropics

Fever as the presenting complaint of travellers returning from the tropics


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We investigated prospectively the cause of fever in patients requiring hospitalization after returning from the tropics. All consecutive admissions (n = 195) with oral temperature > 37.0℃ at the time of admission were enrolled. Final diagnosis as recorded on the discharge summary by the attending physician and results of any relevant laboratory or radiological investigations were recorded on standard proforma. Malaria accounted for 42% of admissions; two patients had returned to Britain more than 6 months before presentation. The second largest group was assumed to have a non-specific viral infection (25%). Cosmopolitan infections (urinary tract infection, community-acquired pneumonia, streptococcal sore throat, etc.) accounted for 9%. Coincidental infections (schistosomiasis, filariasis, intestinal helminths) were found in 16%. Serology was positive for HIV infection in 3%. The most useful investigation was a malaria film, which was positive in 45% of cases in which it was performed. The combination of thrombocytopaenia (platelet count < 100 x 10~9) and hyperbilirubinaemia (biliru-bin > 18 IU/ml) were useful predictive markers of malaria: all 23 patients with both abnormalities had positive malaria films. Malaria must be excluded in any febrile patient returning from the tropics. In the absence of a positive malaria film, the combination of a low platelet count and raised bilirubin may suggest the need for an empirical course of therapy.
机译:我们对从热带地区返回后需要住院治疗的患者的发烧原因进行了前瞻性调查。入院时所有连续入院(n = 195)且口腔温度> 37.0℃。主治医师在出院摘要中记录的最终诊断以及任何相关实验室或放射学调查的结果均记录在标准形式中。疟疾占入院率的42%;就诊前两个月,有两名患者返回英国。第二大组被假定为患有非特异性病毒感染(25%)。世界性感染(尿路感染,社区获得性肺炎,链球菌性喉咙痛等)占9%。在16%的患者中发现了同时发生的感染(血吸虫病,丝虫病,肠道蠕虫)。血清学检查阳性率为3%。最有用的调查是疟疾拍片,在进行该检查的病例中,有45%呈阳性。血小板减少症(血小板计数<100 x 10〜9)和高胆红素血症(胆红素> 18 IU / ml)的组合是疟疾的有用预测指标:所有23例均异常的患者均具有阳性疟疾片。从热带返回的任何发热患者必须排除疟疾。在没有阳性疟疾片的情况下,血小板计数低和胆红素升高的组合可能提示需要经验性的治疗方法。



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