首页> 外文期刊>Quarterly Journal of Medicine >Klebsiella bacteraemia: community versus nosocomial infection

Klebsiella bacteraemia: community versus nosocomial infection


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In the period 1988-1993, 241 patients had Klebsiella bacteraemia at our medical centre. The annual number of patients with positive blood cultures increased from 306 in 1988 to 622 in 1993, representing a 4.5-6% positivity rate of drawn cultures. After E. coli, Klebsiella was the leading cause of Gram-negative bacteraemia. During this period, the absolute number of Klebsiella bacteraemia increased from 25 in 1988 to 84 in 1993; this represents a true increase in Klebsiella bacteraemia, from 6-7% of positive cultures in the late 1980s to 12-13% in more recent years. There were 210 cases with K. pneumoniae and 31 with K. oxytoca. A representative sample of 80 records was retrieved and subdivided into two groups: community-acquired Klebsiella bacteraemia (CAKB) vs. hospital-acquired Klebsiella bacteraemia (HAKB). Urinary tract infection was the underlying source of 58% of CAKB vs. 28% of HAKB (p < 0.01); pneumonia occurred significantly more often in HAKB (25%) than in CAKB (7%)(p < 0.01). In HAKB, as compared to CAKB, serious manifestations of illness were more common, e.g. shock (65% vs. 37%, p < 0.046) and respiratory failure (45% vs. 20%, p < 0.046). Overall mortality was 32%; 22% of patients with CAKB died vs. 42% of those with HAKB (p < 0.05). Multiple drug resistance was very common: only 57% of all Klebsiella strains were susceptible to gentamicin, 66% to ceftriaxone, 70% to ciprofloxacin, and 83% to amikacin. The susceptibility rates of Klebsiella spp isolated from patients with HAKB were significantly lower (p < 0.001). Sepsis due to multiple-drug-resistant Klebsiella has become frequent, carrying significant morbidity and mortality. Restriction of broad-spectrum antimicrobials in the hospital and the community as well as implementation of infection control measures are needed to contain this problem.
机译:在1988-1993年期间,我们的医疗中心有241名患者患有克雷伯菌菌血症。血液培养阳性的患者从1988年的306人增加到1993年的622人,代表抽取培养物的阳性率为4.5-6%。继大肠杆菌之后,克雷伯菌是革兰氏阴性菌血症的主要原因。在此期间,克雷伯菌菌血症的绝对数量从1988年的25个增加到1993年的84个;这实际上代表着克雷伯菌菌血症的真正增加,从1980年代后期的6-7%阳性培养物增加到最近几年的12-13%。肺炎克雷伯菌210例,产氧克雷伯氏菌31例。检索了80条记录的代表性样本,并将其分为两组:社区获得性克雷伯菌菌血症(CAKB)与医院获得性克雷伯菌菌血症(HAKB)。尿路感染是CAKB的58%相对于HAKB的28%(p <0.01); HAKB(25%)的发生率明显高于CAKB(7%)(p <0.01)。与CAKB相比,在HAKB中,疾病的严重表现更为常见,例如休克(65%比37%,p <0.046)和呼吸衰竭(45%比20%,p <0.046)。总死亡率为32%; CAKB患者中有22%死亡,而HAKB患者中则有42%(p <0.05)。多重耐药性非常普遍:所有克雷伯菌菌株仅对庆大霉素敏感,对头孢曲松敏感66%,对环丙沙星敏感70%,对阿米卡星敏感83%。从HAKB患者中分离出的克雷伯菌属的药敏率显着降低(p <0.001)。由于多重耐药性克雷伯菌引起的败血症变得频繁,具有明显的发病率和死亡率。为了限制这一问题,需要限制医院和社区的广谱抗菌药物的使用以及采取感染控制措施。



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