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Blocked-Error-R2: A Conceptually Improved Definition of the Proportion of Explained Variance in Models Containing Loops or Correlated Residuals

机译:Blocked-Error-R 2 :概念上改进的包含循环或相关残差的模型中的解释方差比例的定义

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Bentler and Raykov (2000, Journal of Applied Psychology 85: 125–131), and Jöreskog (1999a, http://www.ssicentral.com/lisrel/column3.htm, 1999b http://www.ssicentral. com/lisrel/column5.htm) proposed procedures for calculating R 2 for dependent variables involved in loops or possessing correlated errors. This article demonstrates that Bentler and Raykov’s procedure can not be routinely interpreted as a “proportion” of explained variance, while Jöreskog’s reduced-form calculation is unnecessarily restrictive. The new blocked-error-R 2 (beR 2) uses a minimal hypothetical causal intervention to resolve the variance-partitioning ambiguities created by loops and correlated errors. Hayduk (1996) discussed how stabilising feedback models – models capable of counteracting external perturbations – can result in an acceptable error variance which exceeds the variance of the dependent variable to which that error is attached. For variables included within loops, whether stabilising or not, beR 2 provides the same value as Hayduk’s (1996) loop-adjusted-R 2. For variables not involved in loops and not displaying correlated residuals, beR 2 reports the same value as the traditional regression R 2. Thus, beR 2 provides a conceptualisation of the proportion of explained variance that spans both recursive and nonrecursive structural equation models. A procedure for calculating beR 2 in any SEM program is provided.
机译:Bentler和Raykov(2000,Journal of Applied Psychology 85:125–131)和Jöreskog(1999a,http://www.ssicentral.com/lisrel/column3.htm,1999b http://www.ssicentral。com / lisrel) /column5.htm)建议的程序,用于计算涉及循环或具有相关误差的因变量的R 2 。本文证明了Bentler和Raykov的过程不能常规地解释为解释方差的“比例”,而Jöreskog的简化形式的计算则不必要地受到限制。新的blocked-error-R 2 (beR 2 )使用最小的假设因果干预来解决由循环和相关误差造成的方差划分歧义。 Hayduk(1996)讨论了稳定的反馈模型(能够抵消外部扰动的模型)如何导致可接受的误差方差,该方差超过了附加有该误差的因变量的方差。对于包含在循环中的变量,无论稳定与否,beR 2 都提供与Hayduk(1996)循环调整后的R 2 相同的值。对于不参与循环且不显示相关残差的变量,beR 2 报告的值与传统回归R 2 相同。因此,beR 2 提供了解释性方差比例的概念化,该方差涵盖了递归和非递归结构方程模型。提供了在任何SEM程序中计算beR 2 的过程。



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