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The Bell Curve in Psychological Research and Practice: Myth or Reality?


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The expression “the bell curve” designs both a kind of statistical distribution and the title of a famous and controversial book by Herrnstein and Murray. The first is so attractive that the second refers to it to give more credibility to its questionable theories on intelligence. The point is that, during the 20th century, the bell curve has assumed a more and more important role in psychological research and practice and have become both a reality and a myth. In the first case (reality) we can assist to appropriate applications of a real useful statistical concept. In the second (myth) we can have two kinds of attitudes: one attitude is typical of those researchers who search for normality in all their data and variables, just as Parsifal used to search for the Holy Graal (we call this “the Parsifal attitude”); the other is typical of those researchers who give normality for granted and act as if it were a Platonic Idea (we call this “the Plato attitude”). The article discusses the role of the normal distribution in psychological research and practice and shows how it can be dangerous to treat the bell curve as a God or an Idol.
机译:“钟形曲线”一词既设计了一种统计分布,又设计了赫恩斯坦和穆雷着名的有争议的书的书名。第一个很吸引人,第二个提到它是为了使其可疑的智力理论更加可信。关键是,在20世纪,钟形曲线在心理学研究和实践中扮演着越来越重要的角色,已经成为现实和神话。在第一种情况下(实际情况),我们可以协助实际有用的统计概念的适当应用。在第二个(神话)中,我们可以有两种态度:一种态度是那些在所有数据和变量中寻找正态性的研究人员所特有的,就像Parsifal用来寻找圣餐(我们称其为Parsifal态度)一样。 ”);另一位是典型的研究人员,他们认为正常性是正常的,并且表现得像是柏拉图式的想法(我们称之为“柏拉图态度”)。本文讨论了正态分布在心理学研究和实践中的作用,并说明了将钟形曲线视为上帝或偶像是多么危险。



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