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Of songs and men: a model for multiple choice with herding


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We propose a generic model for multiple choice situations in the presence of herding and compare it with recent empirical results from a Web-based music market experiment. The model predicts a phase transition between a weak imitation phase and a strong imitation, ‘fashion’ phase, where choices are driven by peer pressure and the ranking of individual preferences is strongly distorted at the aggregate level. The model can be calibrated to reproduce the main experimental results of Salganik et al. (Science, 311, 854–856 (2006)); we show in particular that the value of the social influence parameter can be estimated from the data. In one of the experimental situation, this value is found to be close to the critical value of the model.
机译:我们提出了存在放牧情况下的多种选择情况的通用模型,并将其与基于网络的音乐市场实验的最新经验结果进行比较。该模型预测了在弱模仿阶段和强模仿“时尚”阶段之间的阶段过渡,其中选择是由同伴压力驱动的,而个人偏好的排名在总体水平上会严重失真。可以对模型进行校准,以重现Salganik等人的主要实验结果。 (Science,311,854–856(2006));我们特别表明,可以从数据中估算社会影响力参数的值。在一种实验情况下,发现该值接近模型的临界值。



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