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Against All Gods: Six Polemics on Religion and an Essay on Kindness


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A.C. Grayling is Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck College, University of London. He has written a number of books including others, like this one, on (or against!) religion. This is an unusual topic for review in a marketing journal but potentially relevant to the currently-resurgent topic of marketing myopia (the special issue of Journal of Marketing Management on the topic and especially the editorial: Wright et al. (2008)). The book has potential relevance for marketing researchers as it implicitly addresses religion or more to-the-point, its alternative (according to Grayson) of "humanism" from a standpoint akin the marketing concept, thus opening up the possibility of applying techniques such as those of market research to the topics. Implicitly echoing the marketing concept, Grayling argues that there is nothing wrong with the pleasures and possessions of the material world; they are what people naturally seek and even need. Supplying pleasures and possessions that people want is, of course, the job of marketers. Grayson espouses the concept of having a good time but is oddly silent on people's spiritual needs and wants. Is it within the remit of qualitative market researchers to identify and satisfy those intangible needs as well as the more tangible ones?
机译:A.C. Grayling是伦敦大学伯贝克学院的哲学教授。他写了许多关于(或反对!)宗教的书,包括其他类似的书。这是在市场营销期刊中回顾的不寻常主题,但可能与当前复活的市场营销近视话题相关(《市场营销管理期刊》的特刊,特别是社论:Wright等人(2008年))。这本书对于市场营销研究人员具有潜在的意义,因为它隐含地解决了宗教问题或更切合实际的问题,从类似于市场营销概念的观点出发,它替代了“人文主义”(根据格雷森的观点),从而开辟了应用诸如市场研究的主题。 Grayling隐含地呼应了市场营销观念,认为物质世界的愉悦和拥有无可厚非。它们是人们自然寻求甚至需要的东西。提供人们想要的娱乐和财产当然是营销人员的工作。格雷森拥护度过美好时光的概念,但对人们的精神需求和欲望却保持沉默。确定和满足那些无形需求以及更切实的需求,是否属于定性市场研究人员的能力?



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