首页> 外文期刊>Pure and Applied Geophysics >Backtracking of Noble Gas Measurements Taken in the Aftermath of the Announced October 2006 Event in North Korea by Means of PTS Methods in Nuclear Source Estimation and Reconstruction

Backtracking of Noble Gas Measurements Taken in the Aftermath of the Announced October 2006 Event in North Korea by Means of PTS Methods in Nuclear Source Estimation and Reconstruction


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The announced October 2006 nuclear test explosion in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been the first real test regarding the technical capabilities of the verification system built up by the Vienna-based Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) to detect and locate a nuclear test event. This paper enhances the resolution of the DPRK events’ xenon source reconstruction published by Saey et al. (2007, “A long distance measurement of radioxenon in Yellowknife, Canada, in late October 2006”, GRL, Vol. 34, L20802) that was based solely on radio-xenon measurements taken at the remote radionuclide station in Yellowknife, Canada by involving additional measurements taken by a mobile noble gas system deployed quite close to the event location in the Republic of Korea (ROK). Moreover the horizontal resolution of the forward and backward atmospheric transport modelling methods applied for the source scenario reconstruction has been enhanced appropriately to reflect the considerably shorter source-receptor distances examined in comparison to the previously published source reconstruction. It is shown that the 133Xe measurements in Yellowknife could register 133Xe traces from the nuclear explosion during the first 3 days after the event, while the mobile measurements were rather sensitive to releases during days 2–4 after the explosion. According to the analysis, the most likely source scenario would consist of an initial (possibly up to 21 h delayed) venting of 1 × 10−15 Bq 133Xe during the first 24 h, followed by a two orders of magnitude weaker seepage during the following 3 days. Both measurements corroborate the scenario of a rather rapid venting and soil diffusion of the 133Xe yielded during the explosion. While the Swedish mobile measurements were crucial to enhancement of the reconstruction of the source scenario, given the installation status of the IMS xenon network at the time of the event, a sensitivity analysis revealed that the fully developed network would have been able to detect 133Xe traces from the Korean explosion at a number of stations and allowed for an even better constraint on the release function. The station Ussuriysk, Russia, being in operation in 2006, would have registered 133Xe within 1 day and with a three orders of magnitudes stronger signal compared to the detection at Yellowknife.
机译:宣布于2006年10月在朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(DPRK)进行的核试验爆炸,是关于总部设在维也纳的全面核试验临时技术秘书处(PTS)建立的核查系统技术能力的首次真正试验。 -禁止核试验组织(CTBTO),以检测和定位核试验事件。本文提高了由Saey等人发表的朝鲜事件的氙气源重建的分辨率。 (2007年,“ 2006年10月下旬在加拿大耶洛奈夫进行的放射性氙的远距离测量”,GRL,第34卷,L20802)仅基于在加拿大耶洛奈夫的远程放射性核素站进行的放射性氙测量。移动惰性气体系统在距韩国活动地点很近的位置进行了其他测量。此外,用于源情景重建的前向和后向大气传输建模方法的水平分辨率已得到适当增强,以反映与先前发布的源重建相比,所检查的源-受体距离大大缩短。结果表明,耶洛奈夫的 133 Xe测量值可以在事件发生后的前三天记录核爆炸中的 133 Xe痕迹,而移动测量值对在爆炸后2-4天释放。根据分析,最有可能的排放源情景包括在首次排放期间初始排放(可能最多延迟21小时)为1×10 −15 Bq​​ 133 Xe 24小时后,接下来的3天内渗流减弱了两个数量级。两种测量结果都证实了爆炸过程中产生的 133 Xe排放迅速且土壤扩散的情况。尽管瑞典的移动测量对于增强源方案的重建至关重要,但鉴于事件发生时IMS氙气网络的安装状态,敏感性分析表明,全面开发的网络将能够检测到> 133 Xe在多个站点从朝鲜爆炸中追踪出来,从而对释放功能施加了更好的约束。俄罗斯乌苏里斯克站于2006年投入运行,它将在1天之内记录到 133 Xe,并且信号强度比耶洛奈夫的探测强3个数量级。



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