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The image of scientific researchers and their activity in Greek adolescents' drawings


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The image prevailing among the public of scientific research and researchers constitutes a contradictory and complex combination of traditional stereotypes. We explore central facets of the image of scientific research and researchers as reflected in Greek adolescent students' drawings. Drawings were produced by 171 students participating in a drawing competition launched in the context of the "Researchers' Night 2007" implemented by three research institutions in Greece. Analysis of students' drawings involved dimensions related to the image of scientific researchers and of scientific research. Outcomes indicate that the students hold fairly outdated views of scientific researchers and their activity, involving stereotypic views of scientists and science, as well as gender stereotypes. Therefore there is an urgent need to promote a more relevant image of scientific researchers and their activity to young people and especially students.
机译:科学研究和研究人员中流行的图像构成了传统刻板印象的相互矛盾和复杂的结合。我们探索了希腊青少年学生绘画中所反映的科学研究和研究人员形象的核心方面。 171名学生制作了绘画作品,这些绘画作品参加了由希腊三个研究机构实施的“ 2007研究者之夜”竞赛。对学生绘画的分析涉及与科研人员和科研形象有关的尺寸。结果表明,学生对科学研究人员及其活动持有过时的看法,涉及科学家和科学的陈规定型观念以及性别陈规定型观念。因此,迫切需要在年轻人,尤其是学生中提高科学研究者及其活动的形象。



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