首页> 外文期刊>Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian Thought >A Review of “The House of C. G. Jung: The History and Restoration of the Residence of Emma and Carl Gustav Jung - Rauschenbach. (2009)”By Andreas Jung, Regula Michel, Arthur R[udot]egg, Judith Roher, & Daniel Ganz. K[udot]snacht, Switzerland: Stiftung C. G. Jung

A Review of “The House of C. G. Jung: The History and Restoration of the Residence of Emma and Carl Gustav Jung - Rauschenbach. (2009)”By Andreas Jung, Regula Michel, Arthur R[udot]egg, Judith Roher, & Daniel Ganz. K[udot]snacht, Switzerland: Stiftung C. G. Jung

机译:评述“荣格之家:艾玛和卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格-罗申巴赫的住所的历史和修复。 (2009年),作者:安德烈亚斯·荣格(Andreas Jung),雷古拉·米歇尔(Regula Michel),亚瑟·鲁德(Arthur R [udot] egg),朱迪思·罗尔(Judith Roher)和丹尼尔·甘兹(Daniel Ganz)。瑞士库恩特(Snacht):Stiftung C. G. Jung

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