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Murakami's After the Quake—The Writer as Waking Dreamer and Trauma Analyst

机译:村上的《地震发生后》 –作家,《醒梦者》和《创伤分析家》

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In this paper I explore how Haruki Murakami depicts in profound and original images and nested stories the experience of traumatic dissociation and recovery. Murakami has an uncanny ability as a “waking dreamer” to capture and narratively elaborate core imagery. In his writings, he has examined the significance of imagination and dreaming in a person's bearing the complexity and multiplicity inherent in human existence. In “U.F.O. in Kushiro” the protagonist's reawakens from a numb, frozen state through a provocative encounter with someone who melts his frozen dissociation. There is a parallel to analytic working through of enactments stemming from trauma as described and elaborated by Bromberg.Immersion in great imaginative literature can serve a restorative and generative purpose for the analyst-reader who so often has to wrestle with, and join, a patient's numbed, haunted adaptation to traumas, of the recent and distant past. Murakami's humor and evocativeness help me recover from the everyday depletion of clinical work on the edge of impasse. Literature and art help us regenerate and expand our capacity for complexity, imagination, and play in our daily practice and lives.View full textDownload full textRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10481885.2012.666161
机译:在本文中,我探索了村上春树(Haruki Murakami)如何用深刻而原始的图像描绘和嵌套故事,讲述创伤性分离和康复的经历。村上作为“醒着的梦想家”具有不可思议的能力,可以捕捉和叙述精美的核心图像。在他的著作中,他研究了想象力和做梦对一个人的内在复杂性和多重性的影响。在“ U.F.O.在Ku路市,主角通过与融化结冰的解体的人的挑衅性相遇,从麻木的结冰状态中苏醒。正如布罗姆伯格所描述和阐述的那样,与创伤相关的成文法的分析工作是平行的。在富有想象力的文学作品中,浸入可以为分析型读者提供恢复性和生成性的目的,他们常常不得不与患者的摔角搏斗并加入其中。对最近和遥远过去的创伤感到麻木,困扰不已。村上的幽默和令人回味使我从僵局边缘的日常临床工作中恢复过来。文学和艺术可以帮助我们再生和扩展我们的复杂性,想象力和日常生活能力。查看全文下载全文相关变量var addthis_config = {ui_cobrand:“泰勒和弗朗西斯在线”,service_compact:“ citeulike,netvibes,twitter ,technorati,可口,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,更多”,发布号:“ ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b”};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10481885.2012.666161



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