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Validity and acceptability of a French-language version of the Brief Edinburgh Depression Scale


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Introduction: Depression is a frequent symptom among cancer patients but is rarely identified. The BriefnEdinburgh Depression Scale (BEDS) is widely used within the United Kingdom to screen for depressionnamong patients with advanced cancer, but its use elsewhere is limited by the lack of appropriatentranslations. We translated the BEDS into French and then validated the translated version with andnassessed its acceptability by cancer patients in France.nMethods: We used back-to-back translation and standard European Organization for Research andnTreatment of Cancer procedures to translate the BEDS into French. The French version was validatednagainst Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition) semi-structured psychiatricninterviews with 48 patients with advanced cancer who were admitted to a palliative care unit. Acceptabilitynwas determined with these inpatients and with 95 outpatients at a Comprehensive Cancer Center.nResults: Among inpatients, the prevalence of major depressive disorder according to the psychiatricninterview was 56.3% and the optimum cut-off of the BEDS score was >6, which yielded a sensitivity ofn82.8% and a specificity of 68.4%. Among outpatients, the prevalence of probable depression (BEDSnscore >6) was 28%. All inpatients (100%) and all but six outpatients (95%) completed the BEDS survey.nConclusion: The French-language BEDS is a valid and sensitive tool for screening in the case of depressionnand it is applicable to cancer patients.
机译:简介:抑郁症是癌症患者中的常见症状,但很少被发现。在英国,BriefnEdinburgh抑郁量表(BEDS)被广泛用于筛查患有晚期癌症的抑郁症患者,但由于缺乏适当的翻译,其在其他地方的使用受到限制。我们将BEDS翻译成法语,然后验证了翻译版本,并提高了其在法国对癌症患者的接受度。n方法:我们采用了背对背的翻译和标准的欧洲癌症研究与治疗组织程序将BEDS译成法语。法文版对《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第四版)进行了半结构化精神病学访谈,其中48例晚期癌症患者已入姑息治疗病房。结果:在住院患者中,根据精神科访谈得出的重度抑郁症患病率为56.3%,BEDS评分的最佳截止值为> 6,从而得出了可接受的结果。敏感性为82.8%,特异性为68.4%。在门诊患者中,可能的抑郁症患病率(BEDSnscore> 6)为28%。所有住院患者(100%)和除六名门诊患者(95%)外的所有患者均完成了BEDS调查。n结论:法语BEDS是用于抑郁症筛查的有效且敏感的工具,适用于癌症患者。



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