首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Nuclear Energy >Development of a Visual System Analyzer based on reactor system analysis codes

Development of a Visual System Analyzer based on reactor system analysis codes

机译:基于反应堆系统分析代码的Visual System Analyzer的开发

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A Visual System Analyzer (hereinafter called "ViSA") has been developed to support code users in their input preparations, online transient controls, and calculation result interpretations by providing a user friendly simulation environment for the widely used system analysis codes, MARS, RELAP5 and RETRAN. ViSA can be used with one of these system codes as its engine. To replace their complicated input structures, ViSA provides a graphical interface for base input data generation and modification. It also provides the on-line interactive control function, which is equipped in a compact simulator, to simulate the operator's actions during a transient simulation. It also provides various on-line graphical displays to give an in depth understanding of transient thermal-hydraulic behaviors in nuclear power plant. Since ViSA retains the same level of accuracy and the same input features as the original codes, it can be extended to a plant independent and most accurate nuclear engineering simulator.
机译:通过为广泛使用的系统分析代码,MARS,RELAP5和Windows提供一个用户友好的仿真环境,开发了一种可视化系统分析器(以下称为“ ViSA”)来支持代码用户进行输入准备,在线瞬态控制和计算结果解释。雷特兰ViSA可以与这些系统代码之一一起用作引擎。为了替换其复杂的输入结构,ViSA提供了用于基本输入数据生成和修改的图形界面。它还提供了在线交互式控制功能,该功能安装在紧凑型模拟器中,可在瞬态模拟过程中模拟操作员的动作。它还提供了各种在线图形显示,以深入了解核电站的瞬态热工液压行为。由于ViSA保留了与原始代码相同的准确性和输入功能,因此它可以扩展到与工厂无关且最精确的核工程模拟器。



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