首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Energy and Combustion Science >A comparison of electricity and hydrogen production systems with CO_2 capture and storage—Part B: Chain analysis of promising CCS options

A comparison of electricity and hydrogen production systems with CO_2 capture and storage—Part B: Chain analysis of promising CCS options


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Promising electricity and hydrogen production chains with CO_2 capture, transport and storage (CCS) and energy carrier transmission, distribution and end-use are analysed to assess (avoided) CO_2 emissions, energy production costs and CO_2 mitigation costs. For electricity chains, the performance is dominated by the impact of CO_2 capture, increasing electricity production costs with 10-40% up to 4.5-6.5 €ct/kWh. CO_2 transport and storage in depleted gas fields or aquifers typically add another 0.1-1 €ct/kWh for transport distances between 0 and 200 km. The impact of CCS on hydrogen costs is small. Production and supply costs range from circa 8 €/GJ for the minimal infrastructure variant in which hydrogen is delivered to CHP units, up to 20€/GJ for supply to households. Hydrogen costs for the transport sector are between 14 and 16€/GJ for advanced large-scale coal gasification units and reformers, and over 20 €/GJ for decentralised membrane reformers. Although the CO_2 price required to induce CCS in hydrogen production is low in comparison to most electricity production options, electricity production with CCS generally deserves preference as CO_2 mitigation option. Replacing natural gas or gasoline for hydrogen produced with CCS results in mitigation costs over 100 €/t CO_2, whereas CO_2 in the power sector could be reduced for costs below 60€/t CO_2 avoided.
机译:分析具有CO_2捕获,运输和存储(CCS)以及能量载体的传输,分配和最终用途的有前途的电力和氢气生产链,以评估(避免)CO_2排放,能源生产成本和CO_2减排成本。对于电链而言,性能主要受CO_2捕集的影响,将电力生产成本提高了10-40%,最高达到4.5-6.5€ct / kWh。在气田或含水层枯竭的情况下,CO_2的运输和存储通常会增加0.1-1€ct / kWh,以实现0至200 km之间的运输距离。 CCS对氢气成本的影响很小。生产和供应成本的范围从大约8欧元/ GJ到最小的基础设施变体,其中将氢气输送到CHP装置,直到20欧元/ GJ到家庭。对于先进的大型煤气化装置和重整器,运输部门的氢气成本在14至16欧元/ GJ之间,对于分散式膜重整器,其氢气成本在20欧元/ GJ以上。尽管与大多数电力生产方案相比,在氢气生产中诱发CCS所需的CO_2价格较低,但通常应优先选择采用CCS的电力生产作为CO_2减排方案。用CCS代替天然气或汽油制氢可减少100欧元/吨CO_2的成本,而可避免低于60欧元/吨CO_2的电力部门减少CO_2。



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