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The Tesco supermarket where I shop must sell close on 8,000 different items from bras to diesel to couscous. It's one of those vast stores that spans three time zones. And virtually every product it sells has a barcode. The ubiquitous blip blip blip of the till barcode reader as the bored checkout girl passes my shopping in front of the scanner is music to the ears of Tesco's information technology department. But just as the technology lets the supermarket chain track who is buying what, how much is being sold and how much needs to be ordered, so it can also let engineering companies track goods through their life cycle, deal with orders more efficiently, cut out flab in stockholding and fight parts piracy.
机译:我在这里购物的乐购超市必须出售近8,000种商品,从胸罩,柴油到蒸粗麦粉。它是跨越三个时区的大型商店之一。几乎它销售的每个产品都有条形码。直到无聊的结账女孩在扫描仪前经过我的购物时,无处不在的条码读取器的blob blob都是乐购信息技术部门的耳朵上的音乐。但是,就像这项技术可以让超市连锁店跟踪谁在购买商品,正在出售的商品数量以及需要订购的商品数量一样,它还可以使工程公司跟踪其整个生命周期中的商品,更有效地处理订单,削减成本。持股不足,打击盗版行为。



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