
Pigment vibrations drive photosynthetic energy transfer


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During photosynthesis, antenna proteins position light-absorbing pigment molecules so that they direct the transfer of electronic energy toward a reaction center. Despite advances in technology and quantum physics, the mechanisms underlying the efficient process of energy transfer remain elusive. Vivek Tiwari et al. (pp. 1203-1208) examined whether small amplitude vibrations inside the pigments, known as nonadiabatic dynamics, contribute to photosynthetic energy transfer. Using a model that mathematically describes coupled vibrational and electronic motion, the authors demonstrate that when the so-called electronic energy gap of the antenna protein matches an internal pigment vibration, two coupled pigments vibrate out of phase, thus mixing their excited states and driving energy transfer. Such mixing, the authors report, can give rise to delocalized vibrational wavepackets with signatures of quantum coherence and energy transfer.
机译:在光合作用过程中,天线蛋白会定位吸收光的色素分子,以使它们将电子的传递导向反应中心。尽管技术和量子物理学取得了进步,但有效的能量转移过程所基于的机制仍然难以捉摸。 Vivek Tiwari等。 (第1203-1208页)研究了颜料内部的小振幅振动(称为非绝热动力学)是否有助于光合作用的能量传递。作者使用数学上描述耦合振动和电子运动的模型,证明了当天线蛋白质的所谓电子能隙与内部色素振动匹配时,两种耦合色素异相振动,从而混合了它们的激发态和驱动能传递。作者报告说,这种混合会产生具有量子相干性和能量转移特征的离域振动波包。



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