首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Transgenic male-sterile plant induced by an unedited atp9 gene is restored to fertility by inhibiting its expression with antisense RNA

Transgenic male-sterile plant induced by an unedited atp9 gene is restored to fertility by inhibiting its expression with antisense RNA


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We have previously shown that the expres- sion of an unedited atp9 chimeric gene correlated with male- sterile phenotype in transgenic tobacco plant. To study the relationship between the expression of chimeric gene and the male-sterile trait, hemizygous and homozygous transgenic tobacco lines expressing the antisense atp9 RNA were con- structed. The antisense producing plants were crossed with a homozygous male-sterile line, and the F1 progeny was analyzed.
机译:先前我们已经证明,未编辑的atp9嵌合基因的表达与转基因烟草植物中的雄性不育表型有关。为了研究嵌合基因的表达与雄性不育性状的关系,构建了表达反义atp9 RNA的半合子和纯合子转基因烟草品系。将产生反义的植物与纯合的雄性不育系杂交,并分析F1后代。



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