首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Alternative splicing generates a second isoform of the catalytic A subunit of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase.

Alternative splicing generates a second isoform of the catalytic A subunit of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase.


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We have identified a second isoform of the catalytic A subunit of the vacuolar H+ pump in chicken osteoclasts. In this isoform (A2) a 72-bp cassette replaces a 90-bp cassette present in the classical A1 isoform. The A1-specific cassette encodes a region of the protein that contains one of the three ATP-binding consensus sequences (the P-loop) identified in this polypeptide, as well as the pharmacologically relevant Cys254. In contrast, the A2-specific cassette does not contain any of these features. These two isoforms, which appear to be ubiquitously expressed, are encoded by a single gene and are generated by alternative splicing of two mutually exclusive exons. The alternative RNA processing involves the recognition of a single site, the boundary between the A2- and A1-specific exons, as either acceptor (in A1) or donor (in A2) splice site.
机译:我们已经确定了鸡破骨细胞中液泡H +泵的催化A亚基的第二种亚型。在该同工型(A2)中,一个72 bp的盒替代了传统A1异型中的一个90 bp的盒。 A1特异性盒编码一个蛋白质区域,该区域包含在此多肽中鉴定的三个ATP结合共有序列之一(P环)以及与药理相关的Cys254。相反,A2专用盒式磁带不包含任何这些功能。这两个同种型,似乎无处不在表达,由一个基因编码,并通过两个相互排斥的外显子的可变剪接产生。备选的RNA处理涉及识别单个位点,即A2和A1特异性外显子之间的边界,作为受体(在A1中)或供体(在A2中)剪接位点。



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