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Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes


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In the last 30 years, our views on the nature of the relationship between prokaryotes and eukaryotes have come full circle. In the 1960s we believed, with Sta-nier and van Niel, that the line of demarcation between bacteria (including cya-nobacteria) and other cellular organisms was Life's "largest and most profound single evolutionary dichotomy" (1). This line was crossed only once, by the pro-karyote which first constructed a rudimentary membrane around its genome and cobbled together the first rudimentary cytoskeleton, an entity we used to call the proto-eukaryote. Whether we endorsed the then newly resurgent endosymbiont hypothesis for the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts or envisioned a gentler prokaryote-to-eukaryote (cyanobacterium-to-"uralga") transition, we had to believe that there was once such a bridging organism, whose genome gave rise to the nuclear genome of eukaryotes (2).
机译:在过去的30年中,我们对原核生物和真核生物之间关系本质的看法已经全面传播。在1960年代,我们相信,与Sta-nier和van Niel一样,细菌(包括蓝藻)和其他细胞生物之间的分界线是Life的“最大,最深刻的单一进化二分法”(1)。这条线仅由原核糖体穿过一次,该原核糖体首先在其基因组周围构建了一个基本的膜,然后将第一个基本的细胞骨架拼凑在一起,我们曾经将其称为原真核生物。不管我们是支持线粒体和叶绿体起源的新近兴起的共生体假说,还是设想从原核生物到真核生物的较温和过渡(蓝细菌到“ uralga”),我们都必须相信,曾经有过这种桥接生物基因组产生了真核生物的核基因组(2)。



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