首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Multiple loci govern the bone marrow-derived immunoregulatory mechanism controlling dominant resistance to autoimmune orchitis.

Multiple loci govern the bone marrow-derived immunoregulatory mechanism controlling dominant resistance to autoimmune orchitis.


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The existence of immunoregulatory genes conferring dominant resistance to autoimmunity is well documented. In an effort to better understand the nature and mechanisms of action of these genes, we utilized the murine model of autoimmune orchitis as a prototype. When the orchitis-resistant strain DBA/2J is crossed with the orchitis-susceptible strain BALB/cByJ, the F1 hybrid is completely resistant to the disease. By using reciprocal radiation bone marrow chimeras, the functional component mediating this resistance was mapped to the bone marrow-derived compartment. Resistance is not a function of either low-dose irradiation- or cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg)-sensitive immunoregulatory cells, but can be adoptively transferred by primed splenocytes. Genome exclusion mapping identified three loci controlling the resistant phenotype. Orch3 maps to chromosome 11, whereas Orch4 and Orch5 map to the telomeric and centromeric regions of chromosome 1, respectively. All three genes are linked to a number of immunologically relevant candidate loci. Most significant, however, is the linkage of Orch3 to Idd4 and Orch5 to Idd5, two susceptibility genes which play a role in autoimmune insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes mellitus in the nonobese diabetic mouse.
机译:充分证明了赋予自身免疫显性抗性的免疫调节基因的存在。为了更好地了解这些基因的性质和作用机制,我们利用自身免疫性睾丸炎的鼠模型作为原型。当抗睾丸炎的菌株DBA / 2J与易患睾丸炎的菌株BALB / cByJ杂交时,F1杂种对这种疾病完全耐药。通过使用相互辐射的骨髓嵌合体,介导这种抗性的功能成分被定位到骨髓衍生的区室。抵抗力不是低剂量辐射敏感或环磷酰胺(20 mg / kg)敏感的免疫调节细胞的功能,而是可以被引发的脾细胞过继转移。基因组排除图谱确定了控制抗性表型的三个基因座。 Orch3映射到11号染色体,而Orch4和Orch5映射到1号染色体的端粒和着丝粒区域。所有这三个基因都与许多免疫学相关的候选基因座相关。然而,最重要的是Orch3与Idd4和Orch5与Idd5的连接,这两个易感性基因在非肥胖糖尿病小鼠的自身免疫胰岛素依赖性1型糖尿病中起作用。



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