首页> 外文期刊>日本建築学会環境系論文集 >住宅居間の電灯照明における曝露照度と明るさ感・視的快適性の調査と実験



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住宅居間の電灯照明に着目して、まず20名の成人を対象にして自rn宅居間における照明方式と光環境の調査を行ない、その結果をもとrnに、居間を模した実験室における明るさ感と視的快適性について被rn験者実験を行なった。その結果、以下の知見が得られた。%This paper discusses the relationship between forehead illuminance, brightness sensation and luminous comfort with respect to ambient electric lighting systems in living rooms. We asked 20 persons, from 25 to 60 years old, to record and report the lighting appliances they use, while at the same time to measure their exposed illuminance while they were at home in the evening. Their living rooms are mostly illuminated by one lamps on the ceiling and their luminous comfort levels were unrelated to exposed illuminance levels in the living rooms. We also investigated brightness sensation and luminous comfort of these persons in the experiment as the subjects in three experimental living rooms with different types of lighting. The subjects evaluated the experimental living room with direct lighting to be somewhat bright in comparison to the other rooms with indirect lighting. We also found that indirect lighting system with the aid of a task lamp could provide the subjects with sufficient brightness sensation and luminous comfort. These findings suggest that it is possible to design a luminous environment in living rooms with less electric power consumption than present lighting systems.



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