首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences >7/2-Helical model for collagen - Evidence from model peptides

7/2-Helical model for collagen - Evidence from model peptides


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After about fifty years since the prediction of a triple-helical structure, there are still two models for collagen with different helical symmetry. One is the Rich and Crick model in which three strands form a left-handed 10/3-helix with an axial repeat of 28.6A. The other is the Okuyama model in which three strands form a left- handed 7/2-helix with an axial repeat of 20A. High-resolution structures of collagen model peptides (Pro-Pro-Gly)10 and (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10 strongly support the latter model. The comparison of water molecules found in these strutures, together with the water bridges involving the hydroxyl group of Hyp, indicated that water molecules do not contribute to the extra stability of the triple-helix as has been considered for many years. This observation agreed well with a recent finding that the extra stability of collagen with Hyp at the Y-position is due to the inductive effects rather than water bridges involving hydroxyl groups .
机译:自从预测三螺旋结构以来大约五十年,仍然存在两种具有不同螺旋对称性的胶原蛋白模型。一种是Rich and Crick模型,其中三股形成左手的10 / 3-螺旋,轴向重复数为28.6A。另一个是奥山模型,其中三股形成左手的7/2螺旋,轴向重复数为20A。胶原蛋白模型肽(Pro-Pro-Gly)10和(Pro-Hyp-Gly)10的高分辨率结构有力地支持了后者的模型。对这些结构中发现的水分子以及涉及Hyp羟基的水桥的比较表明,水分子并没有像多年以来所考虑的那样对三重螺旋的额外稳定性没有贡献。该观察结果与最近的发现非常吻合,该发现是在Y位置具有Hyp的胶原蛋白的额外稳定性是归因于感应作用,而不是涉及羟基的水桥。



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