首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences >The secondary structure of type I collagen N-telopeptide as demonstrated by Fourier transform IR spectroscopy and molecular modeling

The secondary structure of type I collagen N-telopeptide as demonstrated by Fourier transform IR spectroscopy and molecular modeling


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The amino-telopeptides of type I collagen have been implicated to have a crucial role in the events of fibril formation. The sequences have been highly conserved in a variety of species. Several proposals have been presented to correlate the sequence with structure and role in fibri1 formation, but no definite information on telopeptide structure has been deduced. The infrared spectrum of the amide I band, due almost entirely to the C=O stretch vibration of peptide carbonyls, has been a most useful probe for determining the secondary structures of proteins in solution. In the present study, the secondary structure of a synthetic rat alpha 1 (I) amino-telopeptide has been investigated in aqueous solution by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS) using a 9-pass internal reflectance ZnSe prism cell. Conformational changes were monitored as the aqueous solution was heated from 4 to 50 deg.C by observing changes in the freauency position. To support these experimental data the telopeptide region was modeled using BIOSYM/MSI software on a Silicon Graphics R-4000, X/Z graphics workstation. The proposed telopeptide structure was energy minimized using DISCOVER CVFF repetitive build and minimize process to reduce steric hindrance and maximize H- bonding. The potential energy surface was quite low and the conformation was stabilized by only 3 H-bonds. This model suggests a telopeptidc structure that can be induced to assume a conformation favorable for binding during its interchain interaction at the collagen helix cross-link (N-telopeptide) receptor domain around collagen
机译:已经暗示I型胶原的氨基端肽在原纤维形成的事件中起关键作用。该序列在多种物种中高度保守。已经提出了一些提议来使序列与结构和在纤维形成中的作用相关联,但是尚未推断出有关端肽结构的确切信息。几乎完全归因于肽羰基的C = O拉伸振动的酰胺I带的红外光谱,已成为确定溶液中蛋白质二级结构的最有用的探针。在本研究中,已使用9通道内反射率ZnSe棱镜盒通过傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIRS)在水溶液中研究了合成大鼠α1(I)氨基端肽的二级结构。通过观察香气位置的变化,在将水溶液从4℃加热至50℃时监测构象变化。为了支持这些实验数据,在Silicon Graphics R-4000,X / Z图形工作站上使用BIOSYM / MSI软件对端肽区域进行了建模。使用DISCOVER CVFF重复构建,可将拟议的端肽结构的能量降至最低,并将过程减少至最小,以减少空间位阻并最大化H键。势能表面非常低,并且仅通过3个H键使构象稳定。该模型表明一种端肽结构,在其围绕胶原蛋白的胶原螺旋交联(N-端肽)受体域的链间相互作用期间,可被诱导为有利于结合的构象。



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