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Riccion from higher-dimensional space-time with D-dimensional sphere as a compact manifold and one-loop renormalization


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Lagrangian density of riccions is obtained with the quartic self-interacting potential using higher-derivative gravitational action in (4 + D)-dimensional space-time with S~D as a compact manifold. It is found that the resulting four-dimensional theory for riccions is one-loop multiplica-tively renormalizable. Renormalization group equations are solved and its solutions yield many interesting results such as (ⅰ) dependence of extra dimensions on the enegy mass scale showing that these dimensions increase with the increasing mass scale up to D = 6, (ⅱ) phase transition at 3.05 x 10~(16) GeV and (ⅲ) dependence of gravitational and other coupling constants on energy scale. Results also suggest that space-time above 3.05 x 10~(16) GeV should be fractal. Moreover, dimension of the compact manifold decreases with the decreasing energy mass scale such that D = 1 at the scale of the phase transition. Results imply invisiblity of S~1 at this scale (which is 3.05 x 10~(16) GeV).
机译:在(4 + D)维时空中,以S〜D为紧凑流形,使用高阶引力作用,以四次自作用势获得拉格朗日密度。发现所产生的riccion的四维理论是一环可乘的可重整化的。重整化组方程得以求解,其解产生许多有趣的结果,例如(ⅰ)额外尺寸对能量质量标度的依赖性,表明这些尺寸随质量标度的增加而增加,直到D = 6,(ⅱ)在3.05 x时的相变引力常数和其他耦合常数的10〜(16)GeV和(ⅲ)依赖于能级。结果还表明,时空在3.05 x 10〜(16)GeV以上应该是分形的。而且,紧凑歧管的尺寸随着能量质量规模的减小而减小,使得在相变的规模处D = 1。结果表明在此尺度下S〜1不可见(3.05 x 10〜(16)GeV)。



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