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New welding technology employed in unique plant repair


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When a Midwest U.S. electric utility recently needed to repair high-pressure feedwater heaters at one of its facilities, it used a new power source featuring SIT welding technology from the Lincoln Electric Company to get the plant hack on line faster. The deteriorating condition of two high-pressure feedwater heaters forced the power plant to take them out of service. Instead of removing them and reconfiguring the plant, plant management decided to save downtime and expense by decommissioning them but leaving them in place and allowing the flow to pass through them. The strategy required taking the units out of service, removing the torus ring, blanking off the tubes inside, then welding the torus ring back on.
机译:当美国中西部的一家电力公司最近需要维修其一处设施中的高压给水加热器时,它使用了具有林肯电气公司(Lincoln Electric Company)的具有SIT焊接技术的新型电源,以使工厂更快地上线。两个高压给水加热器的状况恶化,迫使电厂停运。与其删除它们并重新配置工厂,工厂管理人员决定通过停用它们,但将它们留在原处并允许流程通过它们来节省停机时间和费用。该策略要求停止使用这些装置,取下圆环,将内部的管冲空,然后再将圆环焊接回去。



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