首页> 外文期刊>Population Research and Policy Review >A Panel Based Analysis of the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Other Individual Level Characteristics at Leaving on Returning

A Panel Based Analysis of the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Other Individual Level Characteristics at Leaving on Returning


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Individual level differentials between migrants and nonmigrants are examined to ascertain the likelihood of return migration to a prior residence based on characteristics at the time of departure from place of origin. Analysis focuses on comparisons of Hispanics, blacks and whites, examining the odds of return migration by education, employment status, marital status, home ownership, length of residence, gender, age, and migration interval. The 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) is utilized to identify 13,798 preliminary migrations that may be followed by at least one return migration. Findings indicate a sharp decline in propensity to return migrate as length of absence from origin increases. Regardless of length of time since the preliminary migration, both blacks and Hispanics are more likely to return migrate than are whites. Individuals who resided at place of origin for longer periods before leaving had strikingly higher odds for return migration.
机译:检查移民和非移民之间的个人差异,以根据从原籍地出发时的特征来确定返回原住所的可能性。分析的重点是西班牙裔美国人与黑人和白人的比较,按教育程度,就业状况,婚姻状况,房屋所有权,居住时间,性别,年龄和迁徙间隔检查返乡移民的几率。 1979年全国青年纵向调查(NLSY79)用于确定13798例初次迁移,然后可能至少发生一次回返迁移。研究结果表明,随着从原籍国缺勤时间的增加,返回移民的趋势急剧下降。不论自初次迁移以来的时间长短,黑人和西班牙裔比白人都更可能返回移民。在离开之前在原籍国居住了较长时间的人返回移民的几率非常高。



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