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The Elderly and the Extended Household in Portugal: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis


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Portugal, a southern European country, is expected to exhibit a relatively large proportion of extended households. However, following some general trends associated with large social transformations, Portugal is also expected to have an increasingly larger proportion of nuclear families. We use data from the eight waves of ECHP (European Community Household Panel), covering the years from 1994 to 2001, to establish whether these expectations are justified. Among the nuclear households that include elderly members, we isolate those corresponding to single-person households, since they are particularly relevant for policy purposes. Separate analyses are carried out for the elderly with health problems and for those with no health problems, in order to detect different patterns of living arrangements. We also project the living arrangements until 2005, based on an age-period-cohort analysis. We find that the extended households are a very significant form of living arrangement with reference to the Portuguese elderly, and a living arrangement whose importance is not declining over time. In particular, the oldest old constitutes the group that tends to be found living most frequently in extended households, while those with health problems start much earlier than those with no health problems to live in extended households as they grow older. The proportion of individuals aged 65+ living alone has somewhat decreased, but the proportion of this type of household largely increases with age.
机译:葡萄牙是一个欧洲南部国家,预计将拥有较大比例的扩展家庭。但是,随着一些与大的社会变革有关的普遍趋势,预计葡萄牙的核心家庭比例也将越来越大。我们使用从1994年至2001年的八次ECHP(欧洲共同体家庭小组)浪潮中的数据来确定这些期望是否合理。在包括老年人在内的核心家庭中,我们将那些与单人家庭相对应的家庭隔离开来,因为它们与政策目的特别相关。对有健康问题的老年人和没有健康问题的老年人分别进行分析,以发现不同的生活方式。根据年龄段分析,我们还将生活安排预计到2005年。我们发现,与葡萄牙老年人相比,大家庭是一种非常重要的生活安排形式,并且其重要性并没有随着时间的推移而下降。特别是,年龄最大的老年人是大家庭中生活频率最高的人群,而随着健康的增长,年龄较大的人比没有健康问题的人开始居住的时间要早​​得多。 65岁以上独居的人口比例有所下降,但是这类家庭的比例随着年龄的增长而大大增加。



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