首页> 外文期刊>Population Research and Policy Review >Union Formation Implications of Race and Gender Gaps in Educational Attainment: The Case of Latin America

Union Formation Implications of Race and Gender Gaps in Educational Attainment: The Case of Latin America


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We use census microdata to assess the levels of educational homogamy in six Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico. This paper contributes to the literature on homogamy in three ways. First, by conducting a comparative analysis between countries belonging to the still little-studied region of Latin America, which is still undergoing intense and varied processes of demographic, economic, social, and political modernization. Second, by simultaneously including variables of structural and individual nature. Finally, by making progress with respect to the interactions between educational homogamy and other important variables associated with high levels of social inequality in the region: race, ethnicity and birthplace.



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