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Arctic energy image: hydrocarbon aesthetics of progress and form


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In this article, I consider how modernization discourse on Arctic energy development is now taking shape through a visual aesthetic system. I focus on one advertising campaign promoted by the Norwegian consulting firm Reinertsen, whose visuals aim to transform technical knowledge of energy development into an experience of artistic appreciation. I apply academic perspectives on aesthetic experience to my analysis and contribute with statements I gathered during a two-hour conversation with Geir Suul, Managing Director of Reinertsen, which took place at the Reinertsen headquarters in Trondheim, Norway, January 2016. I frame this discussion within a broader argument of the conditions that give rise to an energy aesthetics regime wherein environmental risk is increasingly disguised through enrollment processes in place for engaging consumers emotionally through marketing techniques aimed at constructing capitalist desire.
机译:在本文中,我考虑了关于北极能源发展的现代化话语如何通过视觉美学系统形成。我主要关注由挪威咨询公司Reinertsen倡导的一项广告活动,该活动的视觉效果旨在将能源开发的技术知识转化为艺术欣赏的体验。我将美学经验的学术观点应用于分析,并在2016年1月在挪威特隆赫姆的赖纳特森总部与赖纳特森董事总经理盖尔·苏尔(Geir Suul)进行的两小时对话中收集了自己的发言。在引起能源美学制度的条件的更广泛论证中,通过旨在通过建立资本主义欲望的营销技术在情感上吸引消费者的入学程序,越来越多地掩饰了环境风险。



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