首页> 外文期刊>Polar biology >Challenges and strategies when mapping local ecological knowledge in the Canadian Arctic: the importance of defining the geographic limits of participants' common areas of observations

Challenges and strategies when mapping local ecological knowledge in the Canadian Arctic: the importance of defining the geographic limits of participants' common areas of observations


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Traditional and local ecological knowledge (TEK/LEK) are important sources of information for wildlife conservation. However, there are often limitations and biases in the TEK/LEK methods used. In this study, we examined and implemented strategies to address the limitations and biases we identified while analyzing the mapped observations collected from 27 interviews as part of a larger project on walruses in Nunavik (Canadian Arctic). Our main objectives were to: (1) examine the importance of recording participants' temporal and spatial limits of observations; (2) identify the factors influencing the quantity and diversity of mapped observations; (3) study the importance of documenting approximate numbers of animals observed; (4) examine the importance of gathering and presenting data at consistent and standardized spatial scales. We found that by adding to maps the geographic limits of participants' common areas of observations, we were able to distinguish areas that hunters typically visited and did not see walruses, from areas that hunters never visited. Furthermore, we showed that the variability in the quantity of mapped observations was explained by the community of residence and average number of hunting trips per participant, but not by participant age. Finally, although careful adjustments and standardization would be needed, we showed that by having an estimate of the number of walruses observed per area drawn, it would be possible to estimate mean local abundances of walruses. We hope this careful examination of TEK/LEK methods will help to increase confidence in these datasets as a valuable source of knowledge for wildlife conservation.
机译:传统和当地的生态知识(TEK / LEK)是野生动植物保护的重要信息来源。但是,所使用的TEK / LEK方法通常存在局限性和偏差。在这项研究中,我们分析并实施了策略,以解决我们在分析来自27个访谈的地图观测资料时发现的局限性和偏见,这是努纳维克(加拿大北极)海象计划的一部分。我们的主要目标是:(1)研究记录参与者的时空观测限制的重要性; (2)确定影响测绘观测值数量和多样性的因素; (3)研究记录观察到的动物数量的重要性; (4)研究以一致和标准化的空间规模收集和呈现数据的重要性。我们发现,通过将参与者共同观察区域的地理限制添加到地图中,我们能够将猎人通常访问的区域和没有看到海象的区域与猎人从未访问过的区域区分开。此外,我们表明,映射观测值的变异性是由居住社区和每个参与者的平均狩猎旅行次数来解释的,而不是由参与者的年龄来解释的。最后,尽管需要进行仔细的调整和标准化,但我们表明,通过估计每个绘制区域的海象数量,可以估计海象的平均局部丰度。我们希望对TEK / LEK方法的仔细检查将有助于增加对这些数据集的信心,作为野生动植物保护的宝贵知识来源。



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