首页> 外文期刊>Platts Megawatt Daily >Summer heat comes early for ERCOT as prices spike to $80s/MWh

Summer heat comes early for ERCOT as prices spike to $80s/MWh

机译:由于价格飙升至$ 80s / MWh,ERCOT的夏季热量来得早

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Electric Reliability Council of Texas wholesale spot power prices havejumped higher than the five-year March average high as parts of thestate hit 90-degree weather more than a month early.Hub prices across the ERCOT footprint have climbed between 22%and 39% week on week as temperatures started to spike March 23across the state into the upper 80s and low 90s degrees Fahrenheit, incontrast to the 50s and 60s just a few days earlier. Many areasexpected near-record high temperatures.The sudden spike in temperatures has pushed up power demandacross the state. ERCOT peakload has averaged 52,542 MW so far inMarch, 11.4% above the five-year March peakload average of 47,175 MW,according to ERCOT data.
机译:得克萨斯州电力可靠性委员会(Electric Reliability Council)得克萨斯州批发现货电力价格已跃升至高于3月份的五年平均高点,因为该州的部分地区早于一个月前达到了90度天气。 3月23日,全州气温开始飙升,进入了华氏80摄氏度和华氏90摄氏度的低端,而几天前的温度分别是50摄氏度和60摄氏度。许多地区预计将达到创纪录的高温。温度的突然升高推动了整个州的电力需求。 ERCOT数据显示,3月到目前为止,ERCOT高峰平均负荷为52,542兆瓦,比3月的5年最高高峰平均水平47,175兆瓦高11.4%。



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