首页> 外文期刊>Plant Systematics and Evolution >Species delimitation in the Ponto-Caucasian Viola sieheana complex, based on evidence from allozymes, morphology, ploidy levels, and crossing experiments

Species delimitation in the Ponto-Caucasian Viola sieheana complex, based on evidence from allozymes, morphology, ploidy levels, and crossing experiments


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Information from allozymes, ploidy levels, morphology, cross-compatibility and biogeography suggests that the easternmost occurrences of the Ponto-Caucasian Viola sieheana should be considered to belong to a separate species, V. caspia. Morphological characters delimitating V. sieheana and V. caspia are presented and discussed. The main distribution of V. sieheana s. str. is in the eastern Balkans, Turkey, Cyprus, and The Lebanon, and of V. caspia in the Caspio-Caucasian region westwards to Crimea and north-eastern Turkey. Their distributions in the intermediate areas remain unknown. Plants of V. sieheana s. str. from Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey were all blue-flowered and had the chromosome number 2n = 12x = 60. Its presence in the Peloponnese (Parnon, Taÿgetos, Menalon) and in the Pindhos mountains, Greece, was confirmed. Reports of plants with 2n = 8x = 40 from these stations seem to refer to the sterile hybrid V. reichenbachiana × sieheana which is locally abundant. V. caspia from Azerbaijan had 2n = 8x = 40 and had either whitish or blue flowers. In spite of sympatry and almost complete cross-compatibility, the two corolla colour morphs showed strong allozymic differentiation in four out of seven isozyme systems, suggesting reproductive isolation and incipient speciation. Within section Viola, V. caspia and V. sieheana seem no more closely related to each other than to either of the other investigated European species. The possibility that V. sieheana is an ancient allopolyploid involving the Greek narrow endemic V. dirphya (2n = 40) is discussed.
机译:来自同工酶,倍性水平,形态,交叉相容性和生物地理学的信息表明,高加索中提琴的最东端应被视为属于一个独立的物种,即胱天蛾。提出并讨论了界定西耶那瓦山雀和里氏古堡的形态学特征。 V. sieheana的主要分布。海峡位于东部巴尔干半岛,土耳其,塞浦路斯和黎巴嫩,位于卡斯皮奥-高加索地区的V. caspia,西至克里米亚和土耳其东北部。它们在中间区域的分布仍然未知。 V. sieheana s的植物。海峡来自塞浦路斯,希腊和土耳其的花朵都是蓝色的,染色体编号2n = 12x =60。证实了它们存在于伯罗奔尼撒半岛(Parnon,Taÿgetos,Menalon)和希腊Pindhos山区。来自这些站的2n = 8x = 40的植物报告似乎指的是本地丰富的不育杂种V. reichenbachiana×sieheana。来自阿塞拜疆的V. caspia的花序为2n = 8x = 40,有白色或蓝色的花朵。尽管具有对称性和几乎完全的交叉相容性,但两种花冠颜色形态在七个同工酶系统中的四个中显示出很强的同种异体分化,表明生殖分离和初期物种形成。在中提琴部分,V。caspia和V. sieheana似乎彼此之间的亲缘关系比其他两个欧洲物种都不紧密。讨论了西耶那瓦弧菌是一种古老的同种多倍体,涉及希腊狭窄的地方性迪氏菌(2n = 40)的可能性。



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