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Characterization and Cloning of the Chlorophyll-Degrading Enzyme Pheophorbidase from Cotyledons of Radish


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Enzymatic removal of the methoxycarbonyl group of pheophorbide (Pheid) a in chlorophyll degradation was investigated in cotyledons of radish (Raphanus sativus). The enzyme pheophorbidase (PPD) catalyzes the conversion of Pheid a to a precursor of pyropheophorbide (PyroPheid), C-132-carboxylPyroPheid a, by demethylation, and then the precursor is decarboxylated nonenzymatically to yield PyroPheid a. PPD activity sharply increased with the progression of senescence in radish, suggesting de novo synthesis of PPD. The enzyme activity was separated into two peaks in anion-exchange and hydrophobic chromatography; the terms type 1 and type 2 were applied according to the order of elution of these enzymes in anion-exchange chromatography. PPD types 1 and 2 were purified 9,999- and 6,476-fold, with a yield of 0.703% and 2.73%, respectively. Among 12 substrates tested, both enzymes were extremely specific for Pheids of the dihydroporphyrin and tetrahydroporphyrin types, indicating that they are responsible for the formation of these PyroPheids. Both PPDs had molecular masses of 113,000 kD on gel filtration and showed three bands of 16.8, 15.9, and 11.8 kD by SDS-PAGE. The partial N-terminal amino acid sequences for these bands of PPD (type 2) were determined. Based on their N-terminal amino acid sequences, a full-length cDNA of PPD was cloned. The molecular structure of PPD, particularly the molecular mass and subunit structure, is discussed in relation to the results of SDS-PAGE. nnnn--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nChanges in the color of leaves and the ripening of fruits are visible results of the breakdown of chlorophylls (Chls) due to senescence or maturation. The pathway for breakdown of Chls consists of several reaction steps (for reviews, see Hendry et al., 1987; Brown et al., 1991; Hörtensteiner, 1999; Kräutler and Matile, 1999; Matile et al., 1999; Takamiya et al., 2000), and the pathway is operationally divided into three stages. The early stage includes modification of the side chains of the tetrapyrrole macrocyclic and isocyclic rings. The middle stage involves cleavage of the macrocyclic ring by pheophorbide (Pheid) a oxygenase (PaO) and its successive modifications (Rodoni et al., 1997; Wüthrich et al., 2000; Pruinská et al., 2003). The last stage is the subsequent degradation of an open tetrapyrrole to smaller carbon- and nitrogen-containing fragments, such as organic acids, via monopyrroles (Suzuki and Shioi, 1999; Losey and Engel, 2001). nInformation concerning the enzymes involved in the early stage modification of macrocylic and isocyclic rings has gradually accumulated in recent years. The first step in the degradation of Chl a is hydrolysis of the phytyl ester linkage catalyzed by chlorophyllase (EC, which forms chlorophyllide (Chlid) a and phytol. Although the activity of chlorophyllase was revealed about 90 years ago (Willstätter and Stoll, 1913), molecular cloning of the gene was accomplished only recently (Jacob-Wilk et al., 1999; Tsuchiya et al., 1999). Based on homology searching of sequences and expression, it was determined that the coronatine-induced gene ATHCOR1 was the gene encoding chlorophyllase (Tsuchiya et al., 1999). nnA release of magnesium (Mg) from the macrocyclic ring causes the formation of Pheid a. An activity catalyzing this reaction has been reported in photosynthetic bacteria, algae, and higher plants and is considered to be due to an enzyme that has been designated Mg-dechelatase (Owens and Falkowski, 1982; Ziegler et al., 1988; Shioi et al., 1991; Vicentini et al., 1995). Previously, we demonstrated that the release of Mg2+ from Chlid a is not due to an enzyme, but to a low-molecular-mass, heat-stable substance that has been designated Mg-dechelating substance (Shioi et al., 1996a). The highly purified substance is, however, specific not only for Mg2+ but also for divalent cations. Therefore, the substance was renamed metal-chelating substance (Suzuki and Shioi, 2002). Recent studies confirmed these results, and metal-chelating substance is a possible candidate for the substance that catalyzes the Mg-dechelating reaction (Kunieda et al., 2005; Suzuki et al., 2005). nnThe final step of macrocyclic ring modification is the conversion of Pheid a to pyropheophorbide (PyroPheid) a. Two types of enzymes that catalyze alternative reactions in the formation of PyroPheid a were found (Shioi et al., 1996b; Watanabe et al., 1999; Doi et al., 2001; Suzuki et al., 2002). As shown in Figure 1, one route consists of two reactions: first, enzymatic conversion of Pheid a to a precursor of PyroPheid a, identified as C-132-carboxylPyroPheid a, and, next, spontaneous conversion of the precursor to PyroPheid a (Shioi et al., 1996b; Watanabe et al., 1999). This enzyme was designated pheophorbidase (PPD). Its activity is widely distributed but confined to some orders of higher plants, and, thus, this reaction may be specific for certain orders of plants (Suzuki et al., 2002). The other enzyme, termed Pheid demethoxycarbonylase, was partially purified from the Chl b-less mutant NL-105 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Doi et al., 2001). This enzyme produced no intermediate, as shown in the PPD reaction, indicating that it converts Pheid a directly into PyroPheid a, probably by an acetyl transferase reaction. nnnnnnView larger version (15K):n[in this window]n[in a new window]n Figure 1. Demethoxycarbonyl reaction of Pheid a to PyroPheid a catalyzed by PPD. The reaction is composed of two steps: enzymatic conversion of Pheid a to a precursor, C-132-carboxylPyroPheid a, followed by spontaneous conversion of the precursor to PyroPheid a. The site of the enzymatic reaction is indicated by a black arrow.n n nn nPreviously, we purified PPD from Chenopodium album and the N-terminal sequence was determined (Watanabe et al., 1999); however, there is no information concerning the substrate specificity of this enzyme or the molecular structure, including gene cloning. Furthermore, little is known about the significance of this reaction step, including whether this is a true auxiliary step in vivo or whether it is a side reaction of the esterase. In this study, we purified two types of PPD from the senescent cotyledons of radish (Raphanus sativus) to homogeneity and examined their substrate specificity in a variety of Chl derivatives; we also determined N-terminal and internal amino acid sequences and the cDNA sequence. Based on the results of substrate specificity, we discuss the role of this enzyme in vivo in relation to the formation of Chl catabolites.
机译:在萝卜子叶(Raphanus sativus)的叶绿素降解中,酶法去除了脱镁叶绿酸(Pheid)a的甲氧基羰基。脱镁叶绿酸酶(PPD)通过脱甲基作用催化将Pheid a转化为焦脱镁叶绿酸(PyroPheid)C-132-羧基PyroPheid a的前体,然后将该前体通过非酶法脱羧生成PyroPheid a。 PPD活性随着萝卜衰老的进行而急剧增加,表明PPD从头合成。在阴离子交换和疏水色谱中,酶的活性分为两个峰。根据阴离子交换色谱中这些酶的洗脱顺序,使用术语1型和2型。 PPD类型1和2被纯化了9,999倍和6,476倍,产率分别为0.703%和2.73%。在所测试的12种底物中,两种酶对二氢卟啉和四氢卟啉类型的磷脂都具有极高的特异性,表明它们负责这些吡咯磷脂的形成。两种PPD的凝胶过滤分子量均为113,000 kD,通过SDS-PAGE显示3条带分别为16.8、15.9和11.8 kD。确定了PPD这些条带(2型)的部分N末端氨基酸序列。基于它们的N端氨基酸序列,克隆了PPD的全长cDNA。 PPD的分子结构,特别是分子量和亚基结构,与SDS-PAGE结果有关。 nnnn ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- n叶色变化和果实成熟是叶绿素分解的可见结果(Chls)由于衰老或成熟。 Chls的分解途径包括几个反应步骤(综述见Hendry等,1987; Brown等,1991;Hörtensteiner,1999;Kräutler和Matile,1999; Matile等,1999; Takamiya等(2000年),该路径在操作上分为三个阶段。早期阶段包括修饰四吡咯大环和等环的侧链。中间阶段包括由脱镁叶绿酸(Pheid),加氧酶(PaO)裂解大环并对其进行连续修饰(Rodoni等,1997;Wüthrich等,2000;Pruinská等,2003)。最后一步是通过单吡咯将开环的四吡咯随后降解为较小的含碳和氮的片段,例如有机酸(Suzuki和Shioi,1999; Losey和Engel,2001)。近年来,有关大环和等环的早期修饰所涉及的酶的信息逐渐积累。 Chla降解的第一步是通过叶绿素酶(EC催化的植酸酯键水解,形成叶绿素(Chlid)a和植醇。尽管叶绿素酶的活性大约在90年前就已经揭示了(Willstätterand Stoll,1913),但该基因的分子克隆仅在最近才完成(Jacob-Wilk等,1999; Tsuchiya等,1999)。基于对序列和表达的同源性搜索,确定冠冕素诱导的基因ATHCOR1是编码叶绿素酶的基因(Tsuchiya等,1999)。 nnA从大环上释放镁(Mg)导致形成磷脂a。在光合细菌,藻类和高等植物中已经报道了催化该反应的活性,并且被认为是由于被称为Mg-脱螯合酶的酶引起的(Owens and Falkowski,1982; Ziegler et al。,1988; Shioi et al。 (1991; Vicentini等,1995)。以前,我们证明了从Chlid a中释放Mg2 +并不是由于酶,而是由于被称为Mg螯合物质的低分子量,热稳定物质(Shioi等人,1996a)。但是,高度纯化的物质不仅对Mg2 +具有特异性,而且对二价阳离子也具有特异性。因此,该物质被重命名为金属螯合物质(Suzuki和Shioi,2002)。最近的研究证实了这些结果,金属螯合物质可能是催化Mg螯合反应的物质的候选物质(Kunieda等,2005; Suzuki等,2005)。 nn大环修饰的最后一步是将Pheid a转化为焦脱镁叶绿酸(PyroPheid)a。发现了两种可催化PyroPheid a形成过程中替代反应的酶(Shioi等,1996b; Watanabe等,1999; Doi等,2001; Suzuki等,2002)。如图1所示,一种途径由两个反应组成:首先,将Pheida酶转化为PyroPheid a的前体,确定为C-132-羧基PyroPheid a,然后将其自发转化为PyroPheid a(Shioi等人,1996b;渡边等人,1999)。将该酶命名为脱镁叶绿素酶(PPD)。其活动广泛分布,但仅限于某些高等植物的订单,因此,这种反应可能是特定的植物订单(Suzuki等,2002)。从莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)的无Chl b-缺乏突变体NL-105中部分纯化了另一种称为Pheid脱甲氧基羰基酶的酶(Doi等人,2001)。如PPD反应所示,该酶未产生任何中间体,表明该酶可能通过乙酰基转移酶反应将Pheid a直接转化为PyroPheid a。 nnnnnn查看大图(15K):n [在此窗口中] n [在新窗口中] n图1. PPD催化Pheid a与PyroPheid a的脱甲氧基羰基反应。该反应包括两个步骤:将磷脂a酶促转化为前体C-132-羧基吡啶酚a,然后将前体自发转化为吡咯啉a。酶反应的位置由黑色箭头指示。以前,我们从藜属植物中纯化PPD并确定了N端序列(Watanabe等人,1999);但是,没有有关该酶的底物特异性或分子结构(包括基因克隆)的信息。此外,对于该反应步骤的重要性还知之甚少,包括这是否是体内真正的辅助步骤还是它是否是酯酶的副反应。在这项研究中,我们从萝卜的衰老子叶(Raphanus sativus)纯化了两种类型的PPD,使其同质化,并研究了它们在各种Chl衍生物中的底物特异性。我们还确定了N端和内部氨基酸序列以及cDNA序列。基于底物特异性的结果,我们讨论了该酶在体内与Ch1分解代谢物的形成有关的作用。



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