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Validating Function-Based Design Methods: an Explanationist Perspective


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Analysis of the adequacy of engineering design methods, as well as analysis of the utility of concepts of function often invoked in these methods, is a neglected topic in both philosophy of technology and in engineering proper. In this paper, I present an approach-dubbed an explanationist perspective-for assessing the adequacy of function-based design methods. Engineering design is often intertwined with explanation, for instance, in reverse engineering and subsequent redesign, knowledge base-assisted designing, and diagnostic reasoning. I argue that the presented approach is useful for validating function-based design methods with respect to their explanatory elements and that it supports assessment of the explanatory and design utility of "function", and the different conceptualizations thereof, as used in such engineering design methods. I deploy two key desiderata from the explanation literature to assess the viability of function-based design methods: explanatorily relevant difference-making factors and counterfactual understanding defined in terms of what-if-things-had-been-different questions. I explicate the approach and its merits in terms of two case studies drawn from the engineering functional modeling literature: reverse engineering and redesign and malfunction analysis. I close the paper by discussing ramifications of the presented approach for the philosophy of design and the philosophy of explanation.
机译:工程技术方法的适当性分析以及这些方法中经常调用的功能概念的实用性分析,在技术哲学和工程技术方面都是被忽略的话题。在本文中,我提出了一种被称为解释主义观点的方法,用于评估基于功能的设计方法的适当性。工程设计通常与解释交织在一起,例如在逆向工程和后续重新设计,知识库辅助设计以及诊断推理中。我认为,提出的方法对于验证基于功能的设计方法的解释性元素很有用,并且它支持对“功能”的解释性和设计实用性及其在工程设计方法中使用的不同概念的评估。 。我从解释文献中部署了两个关键的需求评估方法,以评估基于功能的设计方法的可行性:解释性相关的差异因素和反事实理解,以不同的问题为前提。我将根据工程功能建模文献中的两个案例研究来说明该方法及其优点:逆向工程,重新设计以及故障分析。最后,我通过讨论所提出的方法对设计哲学和解释哲学的影响来结束本文。



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